Our 2 yr check up today

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 4jsinPA, May 1, 2007.

  1. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    So we had their 2 yr check up today.
    Stats are
    Mitchell 21lb 10oz 32inc
    Mckenna 23lb 30 inch

    She was very impressed with how they are doing physically (asked if they can jump and get both feet off the floor, are they trying to dress themselves and stuff like that) which they can and are. Then she got into speech. Kenna, you can have a conversation with and NEVER stops talking. She even talks in her sleep. The girl is all about hearing herself talk. Now Mitchell does talk, you probably can't understand everything he says but I can most of the time. She said they should have 50 word vocabulary and do 2 words sentences (one word plurals count). Mitchell is not there yet. He is getting there though. I did tell her that Mitchell will come over to McKenna...look right at her...say something...she will answer....he will look satisfied with the answer and walk away. I don't have a clue usually what its about but she said its good bc he is getting the communication through her. Anyone else's kids do that. She said it sounds like Kenna does most of the talking for them so he doesn't have to try as hard. He will be going to speech therapy along with his feeding therapy anyway but she isn't really concerned about him. He still also has an extremely hoarse voice still so its hard to hear all his words. She did say that it can no longer be related to him being intubated for so long that it must be the cricoid split (operation on his airway). So he may be like that for life :(
    Also...when she was listening to McKenna she heard a murmur which has never been heard before (well in the nicu she had a pda that was fixed with meds but nothing since). She said it can be common to hear one at this age and then go away so she is not sending us to a cardiologist yet. Has anyone else heard one around this time and then gone away???

    Sorry so many questions/rambles...
    Thanks for any help!
  2. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Jen, Sorry for the concerns - I don't have experience with any of that, but I can tell you that my kids wouldn't utter a single word in front of our Pedi at their 2 yr. appt. (till the end "bye bye"). My pedi would assume the same that she's doing all the talking for him as that happens a lot apparently in b/g twins.

    Overall a good appt! :hug99:
  3. JRWSherlock

    JRWSherlock Well-Known Member

    Sounds exactly like my b/g twins. Samantha just talks and talks. Two and three word sentences all day. Blake on the other hand babbles. I can understand some of what he says. He has about three two word "sentences". He clearly comprehends what I'm saying. I can open a book and ask him to point to the bird, dog etc and he gets it right 90% of the time. Physically they are both doing all the right things and are ahead on some. It's just his speech. I worried for awhile but the fact that he listens, and can understand two step commands i.e. get the ball...take it to Daddy causes me less concern. I do know that until he gets more words I will continue to have some worry.

  4. bkimberly

    bkimberly Well-Known Member

    Zoe was in speech for about six months and has taken off with her speech. She isn't putting words together like Drew, but she tries. They also talk to each other and totally understand one another! I wouldn't worry about it too much, sometimes it is just something they outgrow. Her vocabulary is about 75-100 words now. I don't think she will qualify for speech anymore, but we will see!
    As for the heart murmur thing, we went to the doctor one day and she said she heard something like a murmur. Then at their 2 yo check up (two weeks later)...nothing! It could just be an off day. Zoe wasn't feeling well when the doc thought she heard something.
    Good luck!
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