ouch, they're biting me

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ~ilyse~, Jan 11, 2008.

  1. ~ilyse~

    ~ilyse~ Well-Known Member

    Mostly it is ds but on occasion dd will bite me too. I don't believe in spanking (I would think they are too young even if I did) but I have tried a very gentle tap on the hand(s) and a firm"no, no biting." Sometimes it doesn't work and sometimes it will work for a few days and then they're at it again. I notice they seem to do this when they are excited. Does anyone know why they do this and/or have any tips that may make them stop? I have many bruises from this.
  2. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

  3. Appymomma

    Appymomma Well-Known Member

    My daughter was a really bad biter. We did lots and lots of redirection as well as getting the book Teeth Are Not For Biting. It actually worked great! It started at about 17 months and persisted for along time, found that it was while she was getting all of her molars in.
    Good luck!
    Here is a link to some various links on biting.
  4. ~ilyse~

    ~ilyse~ Well-Known Member

    I am bringing back an older thread as today ds's biting me was out of control and I probably got a little upset when I am sure that was not the correct way to handle it. I tried doing some of the things on the link suggested to me but it didn't work. He misbehaved alot today with other things as well. So either I wasn't giving him enough attention or something else was wrong. Does anyone else have any suggestions? I cannot have a repeat of today, I am too bruised up and I don't want to get so upset with him again while he doesn't know what he did wrong.
  5. cajuntwinmom

    cajuntwinmom Well-Known Member

    Fortunatly, this is just a phase and may or may not quickly pass. My DS went through it and we almost got kicked out of daycare. I always see people post about how their kids get bit and are mad at the parents and the biter for their kid getting bit, but I promise the parents of the biter are much more upset and embarrassed by this behavior than they can imagine. You really just have to watch the situation and figure out when he is biting. Is he hungry, what triggered it. Try redirection and of course firmly saying no biting and then removing him from that situation will help. He is still really young though so it may take a while for it to get through. I'm sorry your going through this. Biting is frustrating!
  6. Ellen Barr

    Ellen Barr Well-Known Member

    I didn't read the links, so I don't know what you've tried (sorry if I am repeating something you've already tried). Are you holding them when they bite? If so, I would just put him down on the floor and calmly say "no biting". You could even stand up and leave for a minute. Don't make a big deal of it, just make it clear that biting = no attention. Especially if they are over-excited when it's happening, that might be a good way to cut off the excitement.

    It is a phase, but not a pleasant one.

    Good luck!
  7. gregje101

    gregje101 Well-Known Member

    bite them back, :icon_eek: i know i know......my nephew got kicked out of 2 daycares for bitting, so she bit him back just enough when it hurt him and he understood it hurt. u never know!
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