Organic food or not?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by atinar, Nov 12, 2009.


Do you buy organic food for your babies

  1. Yes, of course!

    5 vote(s)
  2. No, I don't find it necessary!

    8 vote(s)
  3. At times, whenever it's available!

    12 vote(s)
  1. atinar

    atinar Well-Known Member


    It is known that pesticides used by farmers can be damaging to Human health, and that it's advised to buy organic food when preparing food to our LOs, since babies in general have a weak immune system.

    However, it's very difficult to find a variety of fresh organic food throughout the year!

    How about you? Do you buy organic food to your LOs?

  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    No, I do not buy organic.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Neither do I.
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Yes, I did and do. Not everything, but I do the best I can.
  5. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    No, I don't.
  6. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    I live in an area where organic food is abundant. So I get organic. I also make my own baby food. This way I know where the food came from and how it was prepared. I will also test it, because if something is wrong then I will know. With baby food, it all looks gross, so I wouldn't test it, and wouldn't blame them for not wanting it either!
  7. sweetypies

    sweetypies Well-Known Member

    I mostly buy organic eggs, meets and yogurt/milk. I also buy organic fruits and veggies, but not always. I do cook my own baby food.
  8. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    Most fruits and veggies you can wash the pesticides off of or if you take off the peel they are gone. I buy organic for things where I cannot do that (green beans, leafy veggies and root veggies). I also buy hormone free milk when I can find it but I don't necessarily buy organic. Kirkland milk is hormone free but not organic and in that case, I am more worried about the hormones than the pesticides.
  9. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Nope, unless I see a flavor of baby food they haven't tried yet, but I don't go out of my way to chose organic :)
  10. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I try but, to be honest, I just can't afford it on a regular basis. So, I just work at serving healthy, unprocessed foods & buy organic when it's affordable.
  11. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Nope my hubby is a farmer and the pesticides they use are not harmful if you are properly washing your fruits and veggies. I think its a waste of money to be honest.
  12. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    Nope. I've seen lists of foods where organic doesn't really matter, and foods where it's helpful to buy organic. If I could afford to buy more organic stuff I'd follow that list. ;)
  13. angs241

    angs241 Well-Known Member

    I follow the list. For the "dirty dozen" I buy organic to make their food, otherwise, I just buy regular.
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