oral kids... help!

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by MNTwinSquared, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    My twins have always been more oral than most. When they were toddlers they kept putting things in their mouths etc. Lately it has come back. Audrey is biting her nails and putting stuff on her mouth like hair, bracelets and other stuff. Clayton just puts his fingers in. What would you suggest? I am waiting for sickness to happen because of school starting.
  2. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    I really have no suggestions my daughter who is 8 still puts things in her mouth. She used to put her nails in and chew on them but I have stopped her from that but she puts other things in her mouth now. I know she does it more often when she is nervous or really tired. But I haven't found a way to stop her she does it unknowingly. My son has started putting his fingers more into his mouth too or just up to his mouth. I am hoping he will stop when school starts and he gets comfortable with it. I think his is also because he is nervous but we will see what happens.

    My daughter has always put things in her mouth since she was a kid, it comes and goes with her. My son not so much but I have noticed over the past month him doing it more so I am guessing it's because he is nervous about school since we have been talking about it more.
  3. PRJP

    PRJP Well-Known Member

    My guys are very oral as well. I have one nail biter that I was able to stop the biting with the "no bite" nail polish and incentives. We still need to put the polish on or he will start biting when he is bored. BUT he also puts strings or paper in his mouth to chew. I havent figured out how to stop that yet so I am open to hear other suggestions.
  4. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    Can you get chewy foods? I know for one of my DDs chewing beef jerky, fruit snacks, etc always helps lessen the drive to chew....that said she does have short hair since she chewed it endlessly. She licks things to0...still....ewwwww. WE are working on teaching her how to politely chew gum.

    My other DD is not oral at all , but chews her nails!
  5. rissakaye

    rissakaye Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was an oral child. And then I started playing wind instruments. I played clarinet and then bassoon which both involve putting things in your mouth. That seemed to satisfy whatever the oral fixation was for me. And to some extent it seems to have cured it. I don't play my instruments much now, but I no longer have that need. So much so that I can't even stand gum.

    I know it's not an immediate fix, but in a couple of years you can steer them that way if you think it will help. Growing up, we started in 4th grade with some private teachers starting in 3rd.

    Timothy was an oral kid when he got bored at night. He would chew the sheets and his pj's. I took him back to baby department and let him pick out one of the teething toys to keep in his bed (he was almost 4 at the time.) He picked a soft lion with plastic teething things at the ends of his legs. And he chewed on it. He doesn't use it now, but I think it saved the pj's and the sheets at the time.

  6. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Mine are both showing a lot more of this behavior recently, and I think it's partly stress from starting K. Sarah finally got so tired of us telling her not to chew on her hair that she agreed to get it cut short. Amy chews on her clothes, sheets, stuffed animals, etc., but if we remind her, she will stop for at least a little while. I gave her complete permission to chew on her blankie (while telling her that it might get holes in it!) and that seems to at least stop her from chewing on the sheets and her nightgown. For the other stuff, I'm just hoping it will get better after they get used to K.
  7. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Thank you for your responses. I am guessing that they get it from me since I sucked my.hub for a long tome growing up and bit my nails. I just need to keep remembering that it will not go away overnight.
  8. Sue1968

    Sue1968 Well-Known Member

    One of my twins still sticks everything in his mouth. It gets much worse when he's stressed. I still have teethers that he is allowed to use anytime he wants. He's very fond of the ones I keep in the freezer. Of course, he can't take these to school and he would never let anyone outside the family see him using them, but I'm glad he has a coping mechanism when he's at home. He does bite his nails to the quick so I make sure his nails are clipped as short as possible so he doesn't have anything to bite. This is how I kicked the habit when I was younger.
  9. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Believe me, I cannot trim nails any.shorter on my youngest. Thanks sue!
  10. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    Ian's like that also - he's ALWAYS got his fingers in his mouth!
  11. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Update (though I wasn't the OP...): I told Amy about this discussion and said I was going to buy her a teething toy, and she was so excited! You would think I promised her an American Girl doll. :ibiggrin: I just bought it at Target and will give it to her tonight.

    It was a little tough to find something I didn't think a 6yo could chew through. Also, she tends to prefer small things (of course -- for maximum choking hazard :rolleyes: ). I wound up getting a set of those plastic linking rings -- ironic since I gave away dozens of them about 3 years ago.
  12. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Ali bites her nails too!!! It's such a awful habit. I can't stand it! Plus, the sickies will be coming too!!! :faint:

    I haven't had to trim her nails for years.
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