Options for sleep when traveling with 2.5 yo

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Fran27, Oct 14, 2010.

  1. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I'm stuck here. We bought PeaPods when the kids were babies and it worked great (although with some crying) until we tried again in July and they just zipped themselves out. We ended up renting a room with pack'n plays instead because they would not stay on the mattresses, but they were tight at the time already and there's no way they'll fit fine by the time we need to go again (they'll be almost 3). Plus my MIL's bedrooms are totally not toddler safe and there's no way I'm leaving them in there without supervision if they could get out (which they might by then, at least from a pack'n play).

    I really don't know what to do! We nap well here still and I really don't want to take that away just so they get used to sleeping in a bed just for a 3 days trip... and even then because of the rooms we'd have to get a hotel anyway... Another solution is to take the PeaPods again but find a way to prevent them from opening the zipper from inside (people say to use safety pins but I'm really not comfortable with that), but they hate them and I really don't know what we could do anyway...

    I'd much rather stay home for Christmas because the sleeping issue is really stressing me out already and we're still 2 months away, but dh's parents are old and he never knows if he will spend another Christmas with them...
  2. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    Is it the safety pin or the act of locking them in that is your concern? We are going to try our PeaPods for our two holiday trips this year and I KNOW DD could figure out that zipper without a problem. I am wondering if tying the zippers together with ribbon instead might work???? I haven't pulled out the PeaPods in over a year since the first time we used them was a disaster, so I am not sure if a safety pin is really the only answer.

    Hopefully there will be some good advice from others!

    I HATE it when our kiddos have to sleep away from home...it totally stresses me out, too :headbang:
  3. abrinka

    abrinka Well-Known Member

    My two sleep in cribs at home and when we travel pack&play travels with us ALWAYS. Never tried Peapods so no comment here but since they have zipper,then my DD would enjoy it to unzip.
    Good luck on your trip.
  4. diverdown

    diverdown Member

    My boys could also unzip their Pea Pods and escape. As a solution, my husband removed the inside zipper (using pliers) and the problem was solved. They were a bit frustrated at first but quickly adjusted.
  5. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I might ask dh if he can do that... thanks.
  6. thetaphi_62

    thetaphi_62 Well-Known Member

    We always traveled with our packnplays and a monitor. The boys slept in them until they were just over 3. Last Christmas when we visited my parents in CA, my mom found a cheap tent and a cool sleeping bag with air mattress (one of each). It was something different and they actually slept in them. Someone had to lay down with them until they fell asleep, but in the morning, they were more interested in waking up Grandma and Grandpa than disturbing the things in the room where they were. We also kept the monitor in the room so that we could hear when/if they started to stir.
  7. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    We just got back from a trip last week. One of the hotels we stayed at didn't have bed rails for the beds so they gave us pack n plays. My girls are 3 1/2 and not small for their age, and they slept happily in the pnps (after the first night of sleeping with DH and me and NO ONE getting good sleep). So they might fit in them and even if they can get out, they might be old enough to understand that they shouldn't climb out. GL with planning your trip.
  8. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We traveled on vacation over the summer when our twins were 2.5 and used two pack in plays. My DD is in a toddler bed and she slept well in the PNP and my DS also did not miss a beat in them. I was so afraid that DD would climb out but for some reason, she didn't. I made sure to bring all their nighttime friends (blankets, lovelys, nightlight and fan) to ease the transition. Good luck!
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