I say Oopsie cause I didn't realize the likely hood that Cameron had croup. On Tuesday, he was having trouble breathing before bedtime. It was surprising, but he did fall asleep and slept through the night. So, I didn't think much of it. The next morning, he was still having trouble breathing, and his voice started to go. I just figured he was getting laryngitis again. After a little while, his breathing was fine, but his voice was still scratchy. He had only an hour of a very low-grade fever and a little runny nose. All this seemed to be pointing to laryngitis except the breathing difficulties. Last night he was ok, so he went to school today. Then I got a notice from his school that someone was diagnosed with croup from his class. I was aware that croup was a breathing condition. It got me thinking, could Cameron have caught it from school? Does he have croup? I called his pediatrician's office and the nurse said it sounds like he had croup which does become and technically can be the same as laryngitis and may still have it. It may be on it's way out but they want to take a look at it today to make sure his breathing passages or open or will he need medication. Oh my poor boy! I didn't realize that his breathing problems was the sign of croup! Now I know it's not a huge problem. For Cameron he gets laryngitis a lot so it's possible he is going to be a croup baby. I say that cause once you get croup, you are prone to get it more often. I feel bad that he may have spread it to another kid that alarmed the school. No one even at school suspected Cameron had croup. The school does not believe croup warrants a trip home unless the child is having a lot of problems. As long as they are not coughing or dripping a lot, they are not that contagious. I just feel awful that Cameron may have passed on his croup/laryngitis. The funny thing is, this is the third time he's had laryngitis and Kiefer hasn't gotten it. He's caught a cold with a slight cough when Cameron last had laryngitis, but he never lost his voice nor had the big difficult breathing issue. I hope he is fine and doesn't catch this one!
Oh, I hope Cameron gets well soon! AND...Kiefer doesn't get it. That's amazing that Kiefer has not caught it from Cameron in the past. Usually when one of mine gets sick, the other is soon to follow.
I hope he's feeling better soon! :hug: From what I understand (after having croup go around all 3 of my kids probably 5 times) about croup is that it is an upper resp type infection but their lungs aren't big enough to deal with it so it's called croup. They will grow out of it once there lungs are big enough. The last time mine got it, my youngest got it first and I was happy because I was sure that the twins were old enough to not be dealing with it... well Jake was but Aly wasn't. She was worse off then all of them :headbang: It just felt like a cold to us. Sounds like Kiefer's lungs are big enough to handle it YAY!! Hopefully it won't be long before Cameron's are! Croup is NO fun!!
Annelise has had it two times and Karina has never had it, so there is hope Kiefer won't get it too. I hope Cameron feels better soon.
Ana had croup over the winter and Meara never got more than a bad cold. Interestingly Meara is the one who was born w/breathing problems and had to be a CPAP w/O2. I hope your lil man feels better and your other lil man doesn't get it.