Oh My Goodness, I almost did a doozy this morning. My girls used to eat oatmeal for breakfast everyday but now it is a challenge to get them to eat it at all. So this morning I thought I would try again. I heated the water, poured the oats in the bowl, added the raisins and added the "cinnamon". As I was pouring the cinnamon over the oats I thought "Gee, this is coming out slower than usual" but I kept pouring. I was putting the "cinnamon" away and for some reason I looked at the bottle. THAI RED CURRY POWDER!!! Holy Toldeo people, I almost gave my girls RED CURRY POWDER. I spilled it all into the garbage, got new bowls and started over. I don't think I will be using the same looking glass spice bottles for my curry and my cinnamon aymore!! I just keep thinking about what would have happened if I didn't catch it. YIKES!!