Only Napping 30 minutes!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by hanknbeans, Dec 22, 2006.

  1. hanknbeans

    hanknbeans Well-Known Member

    Henry is only napping 30-40 minutes now!! Argh, I am going to PULL my HAIR OUT! What is going on? Please tell me this is a phase!!! He goes down at noon or 12:30--it used to be 11:30--do you think I need to put him down earlier or later? HELP! [​IMG]
  2. hanknbeans

    hanknbeans Well-Known Member

    Henry is only napping 30-40 minutes now!! Argh, I am going to PULL my HAIR OUT! What is going on? Please tell me this is a phase!!! He goes down at noon or 12:30--it used to be 11:30--do you think I need to put him down earlier or later? HELP! [​IMG]
  3. stinabina

    stinabina Well-Known Member

    what's your sleep schedule... what time are they down for the night, up in the morning?

    do they share a room?
  4. hanknbeans

    hanknbeans Well-Known Member

    He goes down at night around 7;00, he is up anytime between 6 and 6:30. Some days it is 5:45. They share a room at night, but I put Lilly in a PnP for naps in our guest room. THey have always been early to bed--for the longest time at was 6:30, and now they can stay up a little later. I left him up there for 1.5 hours yesterday and today. I don't know what else to do but assume that it is a phase and to be consistant. OH,and they used to nap from 11:30-1:30, and now they go down around noon. He used to sleep until about 1:30 and now it is 30 minutes. Any ideas?
  5. stinabina

    stinabina Well-Known Member

    are you sure he has been asleep? mine have a tendecy to talk for 20-30 minutes (at least occasionally) and then the fall asleep for two hours...

    with my dd i just left her in their the duration of her nap and she did well until 3 1/2 years of age. sometimes she slept the whole time, sometimes it was less or more.
  6. lettered olive

    lettered olive Well-Known Member

    I am having this problem with my DS as well. The only thing I can attribute it to is that he is going to end up dropping this last nap earlier than most. He did afterall drop his morning nap at only 11 months old. Now he is 19 months and he can easily have a 30 min. nap, wake up cranky but then after I cuddle him for a while he is good to go for the rest of the day. He might do the 30-45 min nap thing about 3-4x a week. It is very annoying.

    I would try putting him down at 11:30. I did move my DS's naptime back from 12:30 to 12 and it did help some. I noticed that if I put him down at 12:30 he consistently woke up early everytime but if I put him down earlier he sometimes would sleep longer sometimes not but at least then I had a chance!

    I can tell you though that when my DS wakes up he is crying so I HAVE to get him up but we just go downstairs and cuddle on the couch watching a video for 30 min. and sometimes he will fall asleep with me. Those days are nice. [​IMG] We nap together.

    Good luck. These phases are a pain! Karen

    PS I wanted to add that sometimes naps get messed up around here right before a new milestone. DS is just now starting to be more interested in verbalizing/talking to us. ???? Could have something to do with it....
  7. hanknbeans

    hanknbeans Well-Known Member

    I just put him down at 11:30--a little earlier. I hope it helps. Thanks everyone!
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