Only crying and screaming when waking up ...?!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Sofiesmom, Aug 27, 2008.

  1. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    My twin boy always cries and screams when he wakes up. Has always done so. No matter how much he sleeps and what time he goes to bed. When he wakes up, he'll cry until you get him and then he's quiet. He goes to bed early, around 6.30/7.00 pm, sleeps 11-12 hours, afternoon nap, etc.

    He also doesn't talk, not a single word (makes a few sounds and follows orders). I have talked to many doctors and they're not concerned until he's 2 and even that it doesn't mean there is necessarily a problem. My dh was a very late talker and turned out fine. His sisters (twin + oldest) are sometimes a little "overwhelming" so to speak.

    So I am not sure it has to do with the fact that he doesn't know what to do except cry ... My girls never did this, sure they'll make sounds, an occassional cry hoping mommy will get them. But this morning my twin boy woke up early again, little past 6 and I usually don't get the kids out of bed until 6.45 - 7.00 am or so, but that's almost impossible with him. He only screams bloody murder. But I don't want to start this habit of getting him immediately simply because he's crying. On the other hand, he doesn't seem to "learn" something and can easily continue for an hour +.

    Will this ever stop (I am sure it will ... but the sooner the better). Somebody else experienced this?

  2. Stephanie M

    Stephanie M Well-Known Member

    My DS (25 months) cries when he wakes from naps and in the morning. He has always done this and we have no idea why. He is very verbal so I don't think it has anything to do with that. He talks well and is capable of communicating his needs to me. DD is not nearly as verbal and I just hear her talking to herself or she just let out a loud noise.

    Hope this helps!
  3. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I was wondering about this... my boys do the same thing every time they wake-- whether I get them up immediately or not. I thought maybe this was something they would just outgrow.

    Both of my boys say several words. However, they are still young so their vocab is limited.

    Sorry to hear you're inundated with a crying boy all the time!
  4. dylethaidkal

    dylethaidkal New Member

    my one twin Ethan use to do this right around 12-18 months the doctor told us it could be night terrors that sometimes get worse with teething. He still does it every once in a great while. He's very verbal now not so much when it started. I think sometimes he screamed so much because he wanted to say something but couldn't. If it's night terrors and it happens at the same time every night gently wake him 15 mintues before give me some water read a story or something and then put him back to bed it distrubs the sleep pattern. HTH
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