only 1 nap a day?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Gimena, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. Gimena

    Gimena Well-Known Member

    My lo's were never good afternoon sleepers...but lately they talk and talk for the afternoon nap until I just take them out...
    they take the morning nap around 9:30 or 10 until 11:30 or 12... then go to bed around 6...or 6:30
    are they done with 2 naps a day???
    should I even bother to keep on trying??
  2. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    Mine went to one nap at a year for the same reasons. One would talk during their a.m. nap and the other in the afternoon.

    Do the act sleepy without the pm nap? If not, it might be time to switch to one nap.

    For us, we kept moving up the a.m. nap until we got to where we are now at 1:00. They now usually nap from 1:00 - 4:00

    It sound like you are used to them being awake in the afternoon. At first, their nap was at 11:00, then 11:30 ect. When they first started napping at 11:00, they would sleep until 1:00 which left the ENTIRE afternoon to find things to do. Now they get up at 4:00 and they go to bed at 7:30 so it's not too long of a stretch.

    I love them being on one nap. It frees up the entire morning and there is so much more we can do.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with Judy, I resisted the one nap transition more then they did. Once I realized that they were no longer going to sleep for the morning nap and were not missing it at all, we bumped the afternoon nap up an hour. Mine also nap from 1-4 and are usually in bed between 7:30-8.
    I have to say now that I like having the morning free to be able to do stuff without having to watch the clock. I would have not said that in May!
  4. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    I'd say give it a shot! [​IMG] Sounds like they're ready to go down to one nap. I'm sorta going through the same with mine also.
  5. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I would push their nap until 12 or 12.30pm... Mine need to nap before 1pm or they are not tired at bedtime.
  6. Gimena

    Gimena Well-Known Member

    Today we had a doc's appointment so they skipped thier morning nap..I put them down at 12:30 after lunch
    dd was crying by 1:40 pm..and of course woke up ds... what a loooooooooooooong day..
    we are off to the park (the place they like the best:)
  7. nylaney

    nylaney Member

    I just transitioned my kids to one nap but found that pushing it later in the afternoon didn't work for them at all. It just resulted in overtired kids who didn't sleep well and were cranky all day. Now they go to sleep at 10:30 and sleep for 3-3.5 hours (until 1:30-2pm). They're fine until bedtime after that.
  8. Gimena

    Gimena Well-Known Member

    do you feed them before the 10:30?
  9. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    We went to one nap around 13 months too. We did lunch at 11 and nap immediately after. For a while they would still sneak in a late afternoon cat nap, but not often. We are just now moving their nap to 12:30 or so.

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