One year Well Visit today

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nikki_0724, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    Up until this point all 3 of the boys have been UTD on their shots.

    Since before Ty was born I had concerns about vaccines for him. I have not done any research on shots at all and thats my own fault I know I just dont have the time and when I do the moment I sit down I have to get up again.

    Is the MMR vaccine the vaccine that people think causes Autism? I have heard people say that its usually around age 2 that the child starts to develop symptoms of Autism so Is this vaccine normally given at age 2?

    I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I want to have him vaccinated I just want to do it in the safest way possible. I think I can go to the health department and get his shots there and I think the MMR vaccine can be broken in to 3 separate vaccines. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Also If the Child had the first MMR vaccine and there was no reaction does that mean there will be no reaction to a second MMR vaccine? The boys are 4 and due for the second MMR and I'm kinda worried.

    ETA: Just called the local Health department and they can not order the MMR in 3 separate vaccines.
  2. swilhite25

    swilhite25 Well-Known Member

    I haven't done as much research I'm sure as some other moms out there, but we decided to do a delayed vaccination schedule with our babies since they stay at home with me and I have a schedule that allows monthly doctors office visits. I definitely believe vaccinating is important, so we took the schedule from The Vaccine Book and modified it slightly so that our babies get a maximum of two shots per month. Yes, we take them every month, but now they are pretty much caught up (we didn't start their vaccinations until 4 months of age) with their traditionally vaccinated 13 month old peers. We've scheduled it so that when they start kindergarten there will be no difference in the number or type of vaccines they've received compared to their classmates.

    It is the mmr shot that many believe is linked to autism. From what I understand, if your child develops autism and the "cause" is the mmr vaccine, there is no delay in symptoms. Meaning a 2 year shouldn't all of the suddent start presenting symptoms of autism from their 1 year old mmr vaccine. A friend of a friend has a son who was a perfectly normal 7 year old and then received the mmr booster and stopped talking shortly thereafter and was then diagnosed with autism. I do know they no longer break the shot up into a three-part shot so if that is still the case when I go back to work, we plan on having someone come into our home to watch the babies instead of giving them the mmr and sending them to daycare. They'll just get it when they are older and about to start school. This debate will inevitably go on for a long time and maybe it is the mmr shot that causes autism and maybe its not, we just wanted to be on the safe side and do what we could. For us, it was about what made sense. We believe it's easier on the body and brain to receive fewer shots at once - the body has an easier time accepting and metabolizing the vaccines then. It's also the best of both worlds for us because our children are receiving life-saving vaccines, but at a pace that we feel is healthier for them. We've never had a bad day or night after shots, no fevers, grumpiness, etc. so that has been a huge plus too! I don't think there is a right or wrong answer -you just have to do what you feel is best for your children. GL with your decision!
  3. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    Just called the office and he would be getting 3 new to him shots today.

    Chicken Pox
    Hep A

    Hes also getting the Prevnar shot but hes gotten this one since he was 2 months old and this is the last one. Would you get the Hep A and wait on the other 2? Im so confused!?!?!?!?!?!?
  4. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't worry about the 4 year olds getting the MMR, especially if they have already had the first one. We passed on the MMR and chicken pox vaccines at the 12 month visit. I don't think any of those diseases are a big threat right now. I plan to give them the MMR when they are 4 and then they will need just one shot at that time. The Vaccine Book by Dr. Robert Sears is fabulous. I refer to it often. Our Pedi. is great. He just gives them whichever shots we want and is fine with it.

    Don't let anyone tell you that your kids have to be vaccinated. In most states all you have to do is fill out a waiver and you can send your kids to school with no vaccines at all.
  5. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    if you haven't gone to the doctor yet, I just wanted to pipe in and say that you can split up any shots you want.

    I wanted to do the MMR on its own, not with anything else, I think I ended up doing it at 16 mo or something... because at 15 mo. there were other shots to be given. I did the chicken pox at 12 months. and I think we delayed the Hep A.

    anyway, yes like pp said, the MMR is what some people attribute Autism to, and you can't split it up anymore. that's the Dr. Sear's link to his website... it has pretty good info, but more is available in the book.

    good luck with your decision!
  6. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    I did the MMR separately about a month or so after their 15 month appt. I know it needs to be given at least 30 days or so before they get more shots. My pedi was very understanding and said we could do it however we wanted. Not sure if delaying it a month makes a difference when it comes to the link with autism, but it made me feel better. Of course, my pedi said there is no proven link between the MMR shot and autism, but I didn't want to risk it, since my nephew has autism. Good luck!
  7. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    We have had a delayed vac schedule since they were 2 months. My boys just turned 2 and have yet to get the MMR shot. Their pedi said we have until the age of 3 to get the first shot.

    They will be getting it at their 2 1/2 year well baby visit in July. I did not want to wait until they turned 3 because that would be in January and I felt the chances of them catching something else around that time (flu, colds ect) would be greater and I don't want to worry if it's a reaction to the shot or some other illness.
  8. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    I would get the MMR. Repeated research, study after study, has shown no link between the MMR and autism. The diseases you are preventing are measles, mumps, and rubella. Measles is making a startling comeback, in large part due to parents who don't vaccinate, and it does kill children. Mumps can cause infertility and other issues. Rubella, although not extremely dangerous to children, causes miscarriage and birth defects if a pregnant woman is exposed. These vaccines protect not only your children but also the herd immunity of the entire population. If you want opinions, mine is get the MMR.
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  9. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    Thank ladies for the info. We went to the appt and I only got him the Prevnar vaccine. We are pro vaccine here and the boys are totally UTD and not delayed at all. They was UTD until today.

    IM not sure what it is about the shots with him but I have had this gut feeling about vaccines for him since before he was born. I could NEVER forgive myself if on the off chance I had that feeling and ignored it and something happened. He will get the Hep A shot probably at 15 or 18 months and he will get the mmr and chicken pox shot after he turns 2.... Just following my gut with this time. The rest of his vaccines will be on time:)
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