One year schedules....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nicolepag, Jun 12, 2007.

  1. nicolepag

    nicolepag Well-Known Member

    My little twinkies will be one year at the end of this month. I can't believe it. Just curious as to...

    -- Your schedules (sleeping, nap, etc)
    -- How many bottles (total oz) of milk do they get? Do they just get it at mealtimes? Do they get one before bed?
    -- Activities you do with them
    -- Move to sippy?
    -- Any other hitting one year and we do this sort of thing with them type thing would be great :)
  2. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    We are the same as we were at a year except sippies are second nature now.

    Mine have 2 naps... 8 am for 1 hour and 12 noon for 2-2.5h hours. 3 meals, 2 snacks. All table food. At 12 months we were still on a couple jarred dinners but were done by 13 or so months.

    Milk- I nursed them to 13.5 months but introduced sippies long ago with water. At weaning, I switched to whole organic milk. They get 16-20 oz a day: A cup at every meal and water with snacks and in between. They get a full cup right before bed and they drink it all.

    Activities: reading, blocks, outdoors, taking for walk in stroller, practicing body part recognition ("Where is your nose?")
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    At 12 months mine were down to one bottle of milk a day and that was the bedtime bottle.

    This was the schedule:(actually still is, except now it's a small sippy of milk before bed)

    7:45-breakfast with milk sippy
    11:45-lunch with milk sippy
    3:45-snack with juice sippy
    5:30-dinner with milk sippy
    7:30-bottle of milk and bed

    I was so ready to get rid of those bottles!!!

    As for activities mostly the same as pp.
  4. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Our schedule at 12 months was this:

    7am wakeup
    7:30am breakfast with a sippy of milk
    9:30am nap
    11:00am snack with a sippy of milk
    1:00pm lunch with a sippy of milk
    2:00pm nap
    4:00pm snack with a sippy of milk
    6:15pm dinner with a sippy of milk
    7pm bed, with a bedtime bottle of formula

    We got rid of that bedtime bottle at around 12.5 months, did a sippy of milk right before bed for just a few days, and now their last milk of the day is with dinner. They do have a drink of water right before bed (from a sippy).

    I also dropped the morning snack and moved lunch up to 11:30am around the 14 month mark. And they drink so much milk with meals that I give them a sippy of half juice half water with their afternoon snack now.
  5. littletwinstars

    littletwinstars Well-Known Member

    Here's our schedule:
    7am Wake up
    7:30am Snack and milk
    9am Breakfast and water or milk if they didn't finish their milk at 7:30am snack
    10am Nap (1 1/2 hr)
    Noon Lunch with milk
    2:00 Nap (1-2 hrs)
    3pm (or whenever they wake from their nap) Snack with water
    5:30-6pm Dinner with milk
    7:30pm Bedtime

    They drink at least 16 oz. whole organic milk throughout the day. My DS loves milk and seems to drink a little more. They use sippys with straws exclusively. I think we introduced sippys with straws (they never liked regular sippys) at 10 months with just water. At 1 year we no longer used the bottle. However, we had to buy separate set of sippys for their milk because they associated the previous sippys with water. We had a hard time convincing them that these sippys now had milk, not water. :) We weaned them from their bottles by gradually replacing each bottle with a sippy. The morning bottle was the last to go for us.

    As for activities, same as pp's...we also build little forts and obstacle courses for them to play in/on.
  6. K*D*B

    K*D*B Well-Known Member

    -- Your schedules (sleeping, nap, etc)
    Ours have been on the same schedule now since a couple weeks before turning one.
    8:30 wake up, breakfast
    10:30 small snack
    12:30 lunch
    1-4 nap
    4 small snack
    6 dinner
    8:30 small snack, bedtime
    -- How many bottles (total oz) of milk do they get? Do they just get it at mealtimes? Do they get one before bed?
    milk- breakfast, lunch, dinner, pm snack before bed
    -- Activities you do with them
    we go to the park, play with toys, read books, etc.
    -- Move to sippy?
    we have been using sippy cups for a long time. we started "practicing" at 8 months. They had it down way before there 1st birthday

  7. melslp13

    melslp13 Well-Known Member

    My kids' schedules:
    Wake- 7:30, Breakfast immediately after that
    Nap- 9:30-10:30 or 11
    Lunch- 11:30
    Snack?- 1 ish if they request food
    Nap- 1:30- 2:30 or 3
    Dinner- 3:30
    Snack- 5:45
    Nightime milk drink- 7
    Bedtime- 7:30
    Ive been thinking about switching the 3:30 and 5:45 meal and snack so that real dinner is later and they just get a snack at 3:30- my kids drink between 4 and 7 oz of milk at each meal, and I typically give it before the food is served because they'll ignore their drinks if food is on their trays.
    Activities- LOTS of walks, to the park, around the block, or anywhere else; sitting outside on a blanket with toys, shape sorting, LOTS of reading books, the occaisional baby einstein movie break so mom can breathe, splashing out in the baby pool, etc.
  8. Rose524

    Rose524 Well-Known Member

    our day goes something like this.

    7-7:30 wake
    7:30 breakfast of oatmeal and milk
    play time
    10:00 nap - varies between 1 or 2 hours in length.
    11:30 - 12:00 lunch with sippy cup of water
    play time
    sometimes they get a bottle of milk in the afternoon - i am thinking of dropping this soon, but didn't want to rush it since they just switched from 3 formula bottles to 3 of regular milk.
    4:30-5:00 dinner with sippy of water
    play time
    7:00-7:30 bottle and bed.

    mine have never been good nappers during the day. i am lucky if they sleep for an hour or two total all day. but they have been sleeping thru the night (11-12 hours) since 3 mos old, so i can't complain too much.
  9. megginmj

    megginmj Well-Known Member

    I thought I should add our schedule since my boys are still nursing several times a day, and it's interesting to compare with the above schedules.

    6:30-7:00 wake up, nurse
    7:00 breakfast (usually yogurt or cottage cheese and fruit)
    9:00 nap (usually 1-2 hours)
    11:00 nurse
    12:00 lunch
    1:00 nap (1.5-2 hours)
    3:00 snack and milk sippy (or a nurse if they demand it - I'm trying to slowly drop this one)
    5:30 nurse
    6:00 dinner (sometimes with milk sippy)
    7:00 bed

    They still wake up 1-2 times a night to nurse as well.

    My boys don't get very much cow's milk during the day since they still get so much 'mommy milk'. They do love their sippy cups, though, and now that the weather's hot they get a sippy of water several times a day. They pretty much only eat table food now.

    We do most of the activities the others mentioned - we take walks, go to the playground, swing and play with balls in our backyard, and on very hot days I bring a big basin of water outside and let them splash around in it with their hands (one of these days I'll get them an actual water table). We also go to a baby and mom class at our local library once a week, which my boys love, and this summer we're going to start them in swimming classes.
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