one twin wakes up the other?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by ftm2bgtwins, May 6, 2012.

  1. ftm2bgtwins

    ftm2bgtwins Active Member

    My b/g twins are a little over 3months. DS wakes up usually 45mins-1hr into his nap crying and he gets so mad that he wakes his sister up. Anyone else dealing with this? If so any solutions? Thanks all!
  2. bkpjlp

    bkpjlp Well-Known Member

    Yes - happened a lot and it still happens (they're just shy of 4!!!) I have to separate them. It's hard as your's are so little and you don't want to start a routine, but that's what works for us. When he wakes up, can you quickly get him out of their room to keep your little girl sleeping? Our issue is mainly bedtime as one boy thinks it's time to party, and keeps my good sleeper awake. I have to put my good sleeper in my bed to fall asleep, or keep the other boy awake a little later, just so the good sleeper gets the sleep he needs. The party boy obviously needs the sleep too, but I can't have them both wild and crazy at bedtime.
  3. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    We still have this issue sometimes. One of my boys needs more sleep than the other - I think he would gladly sleep an hour or two more a day, but his brother wakes him up. Separating them isn't an option for us with our house setup, so we just deal with it. Sometimes he will sleep through his brother chattering and talking, but sometimes it wakes him up.
  4. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    our LOs wake each other from time to time. however, if they are tired, they will fall back asleep.
    im not one for separating them - i think it helps to 'build noise tolerance' lol. ;)
  5. ftm2bgtwins

    ftm2bgtwins Active Member

    Well good ideas ill just let her deal lol
  6. twodads

    twodads Member

    The same thing happens from time to time with my LO's. We also have b/g twins (11-months old) and it's usually my daughter that wakes up early from her nap and tries to make sure the rest of the house is aware that she's up. I try to go in right away and get her out of her crib before she wakes up her brother. It usually works, and then he sleeps another 30-45 minutes. Then she usually takes a second nap during the day, but he refuses, so it's good that he gets the extra 30-45 minutes.
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