One twin biting the other- a LOT.

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by LaMere, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. LaMere

    LaMere Member

    Im so worried about my boys. A has become very aggressive with K. K cant play with any toys w/o A chasing him down, tackling him, taking the toy, and very often biting him. K gets bit 2-5 xs a day. And yes, I am keeping my eye on them, but I cant keep them apart 24/7. K has bruise marks all over him. I tried being firm, saying "no!" and putting K somewhere in the room alone while I tended to K crying. I tried modeling "gently" to A.
    Have any of you had this problem? Im so concerned about K being terrorized and about A being traumatized by constant punishment. They are almost 13 months old, and I know that A is teething.
    Any input would be appreciated!

    Thank you, Lamere
  2. agolden

    agolden Well-Known Member

    I could have written the same post when my boys were 13 months and, actually, I think I did. I was so worried that Ezra would traumatise Elias and that Elias would have his whole personality changed by him. The biting is horrible. It hurts like the dickens and the bruises stay for so long. Anyways, Ezra has largely grown out of it. He'll still go for Elias if he's really upset or if Elias puts his arm right in front of his mouth to get something so it's not completely gone. Now I can say "no no no" and he'll generally stop. I don't think Elias has had his personality shaped by it. But he's always been my little cuddle bunny so maybe his personality was kind of less aggressive to start with anyways - like Ezra could smell that he could get away with it or something.

    Just be consistent and know that they will grow out of it. People told me to try a teething toy, etc and its good messaging but he's not teething - he's least that's how it was with my boys.

    Good luck. This too shall pass
  3. Marya

    Marya Well-Known Member

    My boys are biting eachother (and me) and get into trouble because they both like sticking fingers in other peoples mouths (including eachothers). At almost 12 months "no biting" hasn't had much effect. Looking forward to this phase ending!
  4. LaMere

    LaMere Member

    Oh, thank you. So,this could just be a phase? I hope so. Ive been looking back thinking what did I do? Its comforting to know others have been through it though I wouldnt wish it on anyone!
    Did you find that any method worked best or that they jsut needed to grow out of it?
  5. kstar

    kstar Well-Known Member

    My girls went through a biting phase and it was horrible!! The nice thing is that it is only a phase and you need to keep doing what you are doing. Say the firm "No", let them know that it hurts, give the one that was bit a lot of cuddles and love, and remove the biter from the area. If you stay consistent they will get it, it just takes time.
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