One twin angry/moody but not the other

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Holdentwins, May 17, 2008.

  1. Holdentwins

    Holdentwins Well-Known Member

    Let me just start by saying that i have super sweet and pretty well behaved boys. That being said, one of mine is really sweet and calm most of the time, and my other one is most of the time as well, but something is different.. especially these past few weeks. He has these outbursts where he becomes very angry-- frowning and doing this growling scream thing. He becomes super frustrated when he cant make a toy work the exact way he wants too-- low on patience. He is having major "Mine" issues with his brother and others. I did babysit 2 small children for a week around the time this started, so i thought that may have triggered it, but this past week it has just been us again, and no change. He has always been a little more vocal than his brother and has spent more time in timeout than his brother, but is usually a pretty happy little boy. He laughs alot and plays alot. Just here latley, he has been "on edge" Iwill even hear him scream "MY Airplane" or whatever toy he has.. and no one else is even trying to mess woth or take it at all?? It's almost like a flip switches.. is this normal "tantrum" behavior, because until now, we haven't had any tantrums or anything like that-- occasional whining here and there, so this is all very new to me. I am totally open to suggestions. I thought maybe it was for attention, so i have been trying to focus on him more, but i also do not want to reward bad behavior either. One day he growl/screamed the word "no" for like 6 minutes straight! i ignored him and tried to focus on my other one who was behaving, but it didnt work! i finally lost my cool and yelled at him and he stopped. He will get mad and tell me he wants to go "night night" so i let him go lay in his bed and he will just stay in there forever! He just seems grumpy. I love him, and i dont know why he is doing this or if it is normal?? My patience level is just running a little thin...kwim? Help!
  2. denali_ice

    denali_ice Well-Known Member

    I have seen similar patterns in my two. Ok, actually all 3, but it is easier to notice when you have two the same age. For the most part, Cody seems to be more moody and grumpy, although they both certainly "take turns" at it. I think it is very normal especially at this age.
  3. Holdentwins

    Holdentwins Well-Known Member

    thanks.. i guess i am just paranoid he has some kind of behavior disorder or mood disorder.. too many psych classes in college i guess!
  4. somebunniesmom

    somebunniesmom Well-Known Member

    My only thought is that maybe he's not getting enough sleep? One of my girls just for some reason needs way more sleep than her sister, and when she doesn't get enough she is moody and irritable and this has been always the case, even now that we are beyond the tantrum stages. The biggest struggle we have is that the one needing less sleep will wake her sister in the morning, and the sister really needs to sleep a little longer.
  5. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    My boys are the same I have a more laid back, happy to please but he will smack his brother when he has had enough. And my other son is moody, very demanding and likes to think he is boss..."No mommy do this or do that". My DH and I just have a running joke that one is laid back like his father and the other is high strung like me. I think it's relatively normal sometimes I think why is he unhappy or what is his problem but I think it is just that phase where they try to be more independent, they both talk very well so I don't think it is frustration because they can express themselves and they get plenty of sleep. So, yes I think it's relatively normal, at least I hope it is.
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