One month until they turn 4

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by anicosia, Dec 9, 2008.


Keep it simple or go all out?

  1. Family only

    0 vote(s)
  2. Family with close family friends that are liable to get offended if "forgotten."

    0 vote(s)
  3. Invite the preschool class. There's only 11 of them. How many could possible show?

    0 vote(s)
  4. All of the above

    0 vote(s)
  5. Skip it. Maybe they wont realize they are four and you can pretend they are three for at least anot

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. anicosia

    anicosia Well-Known Member

    So here's the thing. The girls are about to turn four. Yay! What am I going to do this year? I've barely thought about it. Christmas is on the way and that's enough stress with four kids. They just started preschool. Do I attempt a "friends" party this year? They are both asking for different "themes." Natty wants a Tinkerbell cake. Annika wants Aurora. Do I push for something all together different? Force them into agreeing on something? (As if that were possible.)
    I'm smelling a poll. Yep. A poll. Suggestions are encouraged. Wanted. Needed. Etc...

    FYI, I seriously get into the party thing if I do it. I can't help myself. It's a sick compulsion for which I desperately need help.
  2. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member


    I voted invite everyone (I have a party problem too ;) as evidenced by my ordering my girls party supplies from two different sites online b/c I couldn't find exactly what I wanted! ) and to combine the two themes.

    I think I'd stick with the themes they requested and just go with it! It'll be fun. But that's me and our "short" list for the girls bday this year is 34 ppl :blink:
  3. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    I would just do a family party. But that is just me. We invite grandparents, aunts and uncles (our brothers and sister) and their kids so we usually end up with 14 adults and a total of 9 kids (including mine ranging from 15mths to 9yrs old this year). I would also combine the themes. for my girls birthday this november we did a Scooby-Doo and princess theme. They each had their own cakes in the theme they wanted. We had Scooby napkins with princess plates but I had them both agree on which invitations they wanted to had out and that was Barbie Fairy princess something. In the card I added that it was also a Scooby party.
  4. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    We did a family party since the girls had just started preschool when their birthday happened. Family was enough for of my DDs has sensory issues so that was MORE than enough people for a few hours of celebration!

    Think about how many 3-5 year olds you WANT running around...and at that age parents may tag along.

    Combine the themes!! Tinkerbell and Aurora go together fairly well.

    Have fun!

  5. Sue1968

    Sue1968 Well-Known Member

    For my boys 4th, we did a family only party and it turns out the boys really wanted a party with their friends (we've never had a kids party for them). By the time they told us, it was way too late to plan for it and they were pretty upset. I felt terrible that they were expecting a friends party and I didn't give them one. At this age, it gets harder and harder to sidestep issues like that so I voted to invite the whole class. Also, combine the themes.
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I think it's time to have a friends party and the family can come if they wish to brave it! (Most of their friends for their 3rd birthday were twins! :eek:) I don't think you have to invite the WHOLE class, but not sure about that. I like the idea of each having 4 friends type thing. I'll have to see if we are invited to any and what people do.

    My kids definitely have their better "friends" at school!
  7. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    We took them to Chuck E Cheese for their 4th with only us and my mom & dad. Then for DH's side we threw a party at our house.
  8. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    At 4 we invited friends, but only like 1 showed up. We let them have their own cakes. For 5 that was the friend party for them! Only one cake that time. BTW, most parents will stay with the kids at that age so there will be more people than you think.
  9. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    You should PM Marie. Her girls have distinctly different interests and I thought she did a good job of incorporating both of their preferences into their party (it's been a few months now).
  10. nanhancan

    nanhancan Well-Known Member

    When my oldest turned 4, we had a big blow out ;). We invited her class, our playgroup, friends & family. We had it at a jumpy-inflatable place & it was a blast. Btw, we actually celebrated all the girls' birthdays (2 & 4). There were 28 kids & almost as many adults. It was fun! The girls still talk about.
    We had 6/10 show up from her preschool class.
    Good luck. Have fun!
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