one dd rejecting other dd's affection

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by double-or-nothing, Jul 22, 2007.

  1. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    i know this may seem so silly but it makes me so sad to see. lorien is very affectionate and from time to time will try to kiss her sister. arwen has never been one for too much affection all though she has gotten a little bit more affectionate than she used to be. there was a good couple of weeks where she would really let her sister kiss her fairly often (often for her). lately however, when lorien tries to kiss arwen, arwen will mush her sister away from her and turn away or try to get away but usually she'll kind of push her first. the sad thing is that i don't think that lorien realizes that she is being rejected and keeps trying to kiss her but doesn't seem to be able to get her. it is so sad when i see this and i get upset with arwen who looks at me because she knows i will be upset. i tell her that it's not nice and that lorien loves her but i doubt she understands, she just just knows i get a little upset. i'm so afraid that lorien is going to feel rejected and stop being affectionate or that her feelings will be hurt. i immediately run over to lorien when i see this and say kiss kiss mama and kiss her all over to try and make sure that lorien doesn't realize what just happened. she just loves to love and it breaks my heart when this happens. i also don't want to force arwen to be something she's not. am i just being rediculous? should i not interfer at all? i want lorien to stay loving because it's just such a sweet quality and i don't want her to lose it. What do you think?

    Thanks for your opinions.
  2. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I have had this happen, mostly with Ainsley trying to hug or kiss Bea and Bea doesn't want it. I just tell Ainsley that Bea doesn't want to hug or kiss now, why don't you give Mommy a hug and kiss? I don't get upset with Bea because if she doesn't want it, she doesn't. Bea got more huggy and kissy later than Ainsley and now they both love on each other.
  3. Ange2k25

    Ange2k25 Well-Known Member

    Katelyn took up "loving" on everyone before Jessica-kisses and "huggin." Katelyn was also into loveys first. I thought for a while Jessica would never have a lovey or be outwardly affectionate to anyone or anything. She would put up with Katelyn's hugs and kisses to a point then push Katelyn away. This never deterred Katelyn! It took until a few months ago, but Jessica is now just as affectionate as Katelyn. It is so cute when they pile up on each other and give one another some loving. Don't worry about it!
  4. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    This happened with both my sets, although I think they were a bit older than your girls are. Also although it was mostly one-way round with each set (B trying to hug/kiss A and N practically mauling L) it did sometimes switch over. Now it only happens very occasionally-they like to hug, kiss and comfort each other.
    Do not worry she won't be hurt or stop showing affection.

    Even though it's sad to watch if I were you I'd try very hard not to get upset with the one who doesn't want to be kissed/hugged. At the end of the day it's her body/personal space and she should be able to decide if she wants to get 'loved' on. When they were young I did interfere (otherwise it could turn into a fight, or someone getting hurt by accident). I'd tell the child who was pushing that "We don't push. It's not kind." and then move the other one away and say "X wants some space at the moment, but I would love to have a hug and kiss with you." We are now at the stage that they are able to say to each other "I want some space"-of course they still need reminders now and again!
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