ONE baby giving up second nap

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by agolden, Mar 28, 2008.

  1. agolden

    agolden Well-Known Member

    I'm posting on this board because I figure most other under one year olds haven't given up their nap. I don't know if I'm reading this right but Elias won't sleep at his second nap and is not ready to go down for his first nap until much later than he used to. So I have one twin on a 2 hour awake, nap, 3 hour awake, nap, schedule and a second on what seems to be a 3-4 hour awake and then really long nap. They have just been night weaned and are now sleeping 11-12 hours a night so it makes sense to me that they might switch up their patterns a bit right now.

    Is 9 m onths way too early to be giving up a second nap? Is there anything I can do to change it? And (rhetorical question) what the heck am I going to do if I always have one awake baby!
  2. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    PERSONALLY, it was too young for me. I actually separated them for naps around that age because my DS was fighting it hard and DD needed it. So I put him in another room to scream and yell (he wasn't crying - yelling) for an hour, then I let him come out. I was NOT giving them up.

    I really believe they might just need tweaking of the times and you can work to get them on the same times. It's really hard but SO WORTH IT!!! :hug99: You definitely need YOUR TIME!!! :hug99:
  3. valentinetwins

    valentinetwins Well-Known Member

    I agree with the pp. Sometimes they go through phases when they will not stick to their napping/sleep schedual but if you keep at it they will fall right back into the routine. Good Luck!
  4. candctwinfactory

    candctwinfactory Well-Known Member

    I third Diane's post. My guys still nap/sleep in the same room and Chloe has always gone thru phases where I thought she was giving up naps only to have her fall back into the routine. I just leave her in her crib, even if she is just singing or crying. I give her at least an hour. So even if she doesn't sleep, she knows she has an hour before she comes out. Hang in there!!
  5. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    I thought my James was giving up one of his naps when he was 9 months but it was just a 2-week phase. Then he tried to trick me again around 11.5 months, but it was also just a phase. At 13 months (almost) we're still doing 2 naps (9:15 - 10:30ish and 2ish - 3:30ish). Like you, I was really scared of the prospect of always having someone awake and I knew that different sleeping schedules would probably mean one needed an earlier bedtime, plus different eating schedules -- ahh! So I just tried to stick with the routine and it worked itself out within a week or two. Hang in there! Sleep has been the single biggest issue around our house since the boys were born, but we do have good phases.
  6. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    Syd went through 2 months of screaming around that age...... I tried everything...... At 10 months, I put them both on a 1 nap per day from noon - 3pm. It worked awsome (and still does most of the time). I actually LOVE one nap.
  7. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    At 12 months, Arwen was not taking her first nap. I tried, I really tried to not let her give it up but there was just no way to stop it and because she was so loud, she would wake up Lorien so I finally let her skip that nap and go down a bit later. Lorien, just could not make it without the first nap so, yes, it was exhausting and there was a good 2.5 months where I didn't have a break but to be honest, having only one baby to take care of can seem like a break. I was a bit upset about it at first but then I figured that I could take advantage of the one on one time with each of them. By 14 months or so, I was finally able to push Lorien's nap later and later until I was able to get them down at the same time. Now they "usually" go down at the same time and I'm back to having a break. Although, things don't always go according to plan. 2 days last week Arwen wouldn't go down for a nap at all and so they were definately long days for me. You just have to look at it as special time to spend with them individually. Remember, there will come a day when these kids won't want to be hangin' with the folks, kwim? so take advantage of every minute you have with them. I do have to admit though, on the days they don't nap together, I go to bed a bit earlier ;)
  8. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    As I read this post I'm listening to Eloise cry in her crib while Lincoln sleeps away. I have wondered the same thing this week since she will NOT nap during their normal morning nap routine. It's killing me! It's nice to know others have gone through it as well, and that it might work itself out. My 3 year old took two naps until he was around 18 months, so this is throwing me for a big loop!

  9. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    Another vote for we went through a phase like that, too. Then they were both back to 2 naps for several more months.
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