one aggressive twin?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by party*of*five, Aug 25, 2007.

  1. party*of*five

    party*of*five Well-Known Member

    please tell me it is normal that dd is sometimes mean to ds. if she is cranky or upset she will pinch him, scratch him etc. she will pull on his ear in the stroller or pull his hair. i grab her hand and sternly tell her NO! she looks at me a laughs. he is sooo gentle that he does not retaliate or even try to protect himself. he will just cry. i feel terrrible. she does love him and hug him also. she is very sweet most times but when she gets like this :angry: i just don't know how to correct it. yesterday we were in the store getting supplies for school for my oldest and she was terrorizing him in the stroller (this never happened before)pulling his ear and scratching his face that i had to take him out and carry him while i pushed her crying around the store. what do i do? please someone tell me she is not going to be mean? she is the cutest tiny thing you ever saw :wub: but wow what an evil tude!!!! :diablo: PLEASE HELP!!!!
  2. blessedwith3

    blessedwith3 Well-Known Member

    I think it's normal. My Collin is the very same way, just a big ole bully. Sometimes he does it to be mean, others for attention, and often to be "funny".
  3. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    I have one of those too :-(
  4. rachinoc

    rachinoc Active Member

    Yep, me too :(
  5. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    My Katrina is like that too and I am still trying to work on it. She is very aggressive physically and verbally when tired and gets upset easily. If she gets like that in the store I would do what you did take out Kira and leave her in the stroller. But since we don't have the stroller anymore we just leave. I try to make sure to do things first thing in the morning or right after their nap (they still nap for this reason, she gets way to crazy when she doesn't). At home she goes straight to time out and the second time it's another time out and loses a toy, dessert, or something that she likes that day. She also always has to say sorry to her sister (which she really hates to do some days). It's a been a long battle but she is getting a little better. I am also trying to help her to learn to control herself. Like when she starts to get mad at her sister she needs to learn to breathe and take a step bad.
  6. party*of*five

    party*of*five Well-Known Member

    you would think he would be the bully..he is a head taller. she is a little peanut. i kid around with my husband and say she has napolean complex. :D did your dk's agressive behavior start this early? i mean it's like she wants to get a rise outof him. not all the time, thank goodness, but still i hate to see it.
  7. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    Yes mine started that early she is also slightly smaller than her sister, she was also the second one born if that makes a difference. Katrina is more to hit or something when upset and Kira is the one to walk away and cry. Katrina can be so loving and caring when she wants to but out of no where she can just be mean for no reason.
  8. blessedwith3

    blessedwith3 Well-Known Member

    Well, the funny thing is, Dillan started out as being the more outgoing and aggressive child, but that wore off around 15months and Collin started to fill that role. Collin started acting out around 16months and has been an on going thing since. He has even started kicking and slapping his sister. The poor girl already knows how to "wrestle" and she is only 10months old. I think it all boils down to different personalities. Collin does it because he knows he is going to get mommys attention. He will look at me the whole time he is acting out and then will smile at me. Dillan acts out too, but not nearly as much.
  9. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    I think its totally normal. Leighanna hits Liberty all the time if shes in a bad mood. :aggressive: I think I've finally found a good way of dealing with it that works, she hasn't hit her sister in a few days. YAY!
  10. mrsjo

    mrsjo Well-Known Member

    When my boys where younger Ethan was very mean to Eric. His favorite thing was to toddle over to Eric and push him down, which would get sobs from Eric, who worked very hard to stand up. Ethan would then giggle loudly :rotflmbo: . As they have gotten older Eric has learned to take his shots when he can, but he will never be as rough and "mean" as Ethan's personality. Ethan just thinks that it is hilariously funny to whop his brothers, or push them. His love language is physical touch and it is very difficult to teach him that hitting and pushing does not feel good to other kids(or mommy for that matter). He is also the one that hugged the dog really tight and pulled the cat's tail. I'm saying "Ethan honey, Cheetos can't breath when you squeeze him that hard" He just thought he was lovin. It does get better though, he has learned to be gentle and express his "need to touch" in other more gentle ways.
  11. party*of*five

    party*of*five Well-Known Member

    i'm glad to hear others are going through similar situations. i thought maybe putting her directly in her crib when we are home would help but i do not know if she is too young to understand. we'll see, i'll try today..
  12. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(party*of*five @ Aug 27 2007, 10:12 AM) [snapback]381766[/snapback]
    i'm glad to hear others are going through similar situations. i thought maybe putting her directly in her crib when we are home would help but i do not know if she is too young to understand. we'll see, i'll try today..

    that's how I stared it w/ Brandon. I'd put him in and firmy tell him "no______, you're in time out" and give him about one minute there.

    I found 14-20 months to be difficult for a child like him because he wasn't able to communicate effectively yet. He improved drastically around 22 months.
  13. Rachel P

    Rachel P Well-Known Member

    One of my boys started being aggressive towards his brother around 15-18 mos. We were really worried because the one being picked on was very passive about the whole thing and he was really being picked on! Sometime around when they turned 2 the one being picked on decided to start standing up for himself. He doesn't usually start things but doesn't put up with his brother bullying him either. They do fight a lot now, but I try to end it quickly and it's pretty equal so I don't worry as much about one of them being scarred by it!
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