On the days that 1 or both do NOT nap

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Safari, Feb 5, 2008.

  1. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    Syd is refusing to nap today. Sam has slept thru some of it. But I think Syd is hopeless today. She woke up very early this morning and is driving me nuts. the girl just doesn't need/want to sleep! Part of it is reflux and part of it is just who she is!

    I had to switch them to 1 nap before they even had their 1st bday, because Syd spent 2 months NOT napping and screaming throughout most of the days. I was driven to a near nervous breakdown. They are approaching their 2nd bday and I feel like I did a year ago. It's WAY WAY too soon to give up naps, right?

    I get so anxious because I know this means the rest of the day is going to be miserable for everyone. Crankiness, etc. So here I am anxious and stressed. I got ZERO down time which I desperately need w/ my 2 chronic illnesses. We have errands to run this afternoon and I know she's gonna be cranky.

    I'm so not ready to give up naps (I know she sometimes doesn't nap much if any at daycare 2-3 days per wk), but she usually makes up for that on the days she's at home. Yikes! Somebody please talk me down from the edge of insanity.
  2. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    :hug99: Hang in there.

    If it were me, I'd be hoping she'd catch a cat nap (or two or three) in the car while you did errands. Maybe start with the furthest away errand if you think there's any hope for her to give into a nap once she starts rolling in the car?

    We haven't had any complete nap refusals since going to one nap...but there have been days where they've cried for 45 minute before giving in or waking up after only 40-minutes of nap. i usually try to go in the yard with the awake one and let him run around and get some fresh air (also ensures we won't wake up the sleeping one).

    The fresh air does me good too (even when it's bitter cold or raining as it has been the last month).
  3. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I would just make mine stay in their cribs for naptime. DH always left some books in their cribs so they could look at them if they didn't want to nap. Usually, after a couple of days of staying in, they would give in and go back to their regular naps.
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I keep them in separate rooms, so if one doesn't nap, she doesn't keep the other one up. Also, I take my downtime whether they nap or not. I usually can't sleep if one of them is awake (though I've managed it :D ), but I read a book, watch TV, whatever.

    For whatever reason, mine don't get all that cranky if they don't nap (at least, not until it's almost bedtime). They do tend to be somewhat punchy. Even so, it's really hard not to stress when they don't nap, but I do my best. I figure I can't MAKE them sleep. I provide the best situation that I can, but they have to lie down and close their eyes.

    I also like the idea of starting with the furthest-away errand. Even if she gets 15 minutes, it will help.
  5. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Honestly, I think it's a phase. Arwen is going through the same thing. Some days she just refuses to nap and it always seems to be on the days I'm most tired and was hoping to catch a nap myself. :angry: But, I have decided to just use that time I have to give her some real one on one time. I'm sure she enjoys having me all to herself for a little while even though she tries to dominate my attention most of the day anyway :rolleyes:

    If I'm REALLY tired then I dirnk a big fat cup of Joe and wait for dh to get home from work so I can take a little nap.
  6. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(sharongl @ Feb 5 2008, 06:21 PM) [snapback]607382[/snapback]
    I would just make mine stay in their cribs for naptime. DH always left some books in their cribs so they could look at them if they didn't want to nap. Usually, after a couple of days of staying in, they would give in and go back to their regular naps.

    QUOTE(Minette @ Feb 5 2008, 06:31 PM) [snapback]607395[/snapback]
    I keep them in separate rooms, so if one doesn't nap, she doesn't keep the other one up. Also, I take my downtime whether they nap or not. I usually can't sleep if one of them is awake (though I've managed it :D ), but I read a book, watch TV, whatever.

    For whatever reason, mine don't get all that cranky if they don't nap (at least, not until it's almost bedtime). They do tend to be somewhat punchy. Even so, it's really hard not to stress when they don't nap, but I do my best. I figure I can't MAKE them sleep. I provide the best situation that I can, but they have to lie down and close their eyes.

    I also like the idea of starting with the furthest-away errand. Even if she gets 15 minutes, it will help.

    Mine don't nap everyday. Thankfully, they rarely cry and fuss if they aren't napping, it's usually just playing, talking, and singing. They have some stuffed animals in the crib and other things, so they can keep themselves occupied if they don't nap. I also take the "break" whether they nap or not.
    FYI, I keep them in the same room because they will play and laugh if not napping. I know that might sound odd, but when I tried to separate them due to the partying, I kept having one sleeping child and the other crying and screaming the whole time. I can't handle that.

    I have also let them sleep in the car if they didn't nap. If I have errands, I'll grab DH (this is usually on weekends) and one of us stays in the car and the other runs errands. I have also grabbed a book or the laptop and sat in the car with them in the driveway.

    BTW, I had several months of Ainsley not napping around 15-18 months (they napped in separate rooms at this time) and it was awful! She would get in hysterics and I really thought I was going to lose my mind. She would only nap on me. This is when I ended up putting them in the same room for nap since I had tried everything else!
  7. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    napping in 2 different rooms isn't an option. not at daycare either. so they must stay together. i don't mind the playing.... which she did for 2 hours. what bothers me is the stress and crankiness that I know is inevitably going to happen. my anxiety issues are worse then ever (scheduled an emergency appt w/ dr tomorrow to discuss meds AGAIN!)

    anyway, i checked on her 5 times (diaper, tylenol, snuggled, etc, etc). Then she screamed for an hour. Then just as I was about to get them out, she fell ASLEEP! She napped for 30 min, woke up screaming. She had an explosion poopy diaper. Maybe she was constipated and then finally exploded?

    Anyway, they don't/won't nap in car. not since they were itty bitty babies. anyway, we did our 1 errand (diapers) and came home. It's been a long long day. And i haven't had dinner yet. thank goodness for takeout!
  8. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    Mine went to 1 nap at 8 months..... not by my choice. :)
    My DS sleeps 3 hours everyday without fail, but my DD has days where she won't sleep either. And she is never tired or cranky later on in the day. But I ALWAYS make her be in the pack & play for at least 2 hours so I can do my things (make dinner, clean, laundry, etc. ) I just make sure she has books and a few toys. (she is also now in a differnt room than DS as to not wake him.)
    The first time she didn't want to sleep and I left her in there she SCREAMED for THREE hours straight. I kept thinking she was going to fall asleep at any moment - but nooooooooooo. And once I got her out, she wasn't even tired the least bit. The pedi said that some kids just don't need sleep sometimes. But I need the down time so I do make her stay in there. I'd never get anything done and I sooooooo need the break.

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