omitting bottles

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kmbsonrisa, Nov 29, 2009.

  1. kmbsonrisa

    kmbsonrisa Well-Known Member

    our boys are 14 months old and are still on 2 bottles a day... one in the morning and one at night, 8 oz. each. they were a month early also. anyways, i was wondering when we should start taking away their bottles and how you went about it and how it worked out. cold turkey? take the morning one away and then the night one away?
    also, do we still give them milk in the morning and before bed, just out of a sippie cup instead of out of the bottle? and do we still warm it? sorry for the stupid questions but this big transitions get me everytime!
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We made this transition at 15-16 months. Mine were still on 3 bottles a day and what I did I was drop the bottle that they would miss the least first and replace it with a sippy cup (in our case the 2pm one) and then the morning bottle the following week and lastly, the bedtime one the following week. The transition went very smoothly much to my surprise...their milk intake did go down for a couple days after each transition, but eventually they started drinking it fine. Now we do 2 sippies of milk a day, for breakfast and after dinner & sippies of water throughout the day. I give them the milk cold in the sippies.
    Also I linked an earlier thread that also dealt with this situation for you:
    Here is an earlier thread about dropping bottles
    Good luck!
  3. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine were on 3 bottles a day so I replaces lunchtime bottle first and just gave them a cup of went so well that a few days later we knocked out the morning bottle and a few days later the night time one. It took us 6 days to cut out all bottles. They don't really love bottles anyways, but we just replaced the bottle with a sippy of milk and they have done fine:) If you want to warm the bedtime cup go ahead, I can remember my parents warming mine for me when I was little. I just give it to my boys cold but I also gave them their bottles of formula cold. Good luck!
  4. Specky

    Specky Well-Known Member

    We trasitioned a bit earlier-but when we did, we replaced the one they didn't drink as much of...the 7am bottle with breakfast (we have early risers, they get formula when they wake up about 5). They love drinking out of their sippy cups!! We just replaced the 5am bottle with a sippy...I didn't want too, for some reason it was the hardest for me to give up...but they had no issues.

    So for us it was easy, I think it was harder on DH and I then it was on them! haha

    Good luck, I hope it goes smoothly for you!

    ETA: by the way...this is soooo NOT a stupid question! By you asking, you may be helping someone else 6 months from now, who's wondering the same thing! ;)
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