OMG! Transition to twin beds is going to make me insane!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by threebecamefive, Dec 21, 2008.

  1. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    We moved our boys to twins beds last weekend. They will be three next month. It's like a free for all every afternoon and evening before naps or bed. They LOVE the freedom of playing with each other, but they are also "redecorating" the room a bit too much, in my opinion! So far they have taken down all the Sesame Street decals they could reach, destroyed the blinds, removed the screen from the window, removed the knob from the window that allows us to open/shut it, picked at an embroidered framed keepsake (that is now in our room), and taken down the hangers, clothes, diapers, and wipes from the closet more times than I can count!!! Our babysitter accidently left two baskets in their room that we keep their books in and they stacked those on top of each other and managed to get down the diaper cream we keep on a top shelf (it's over 5 feet high on the wall!).

    My little Andrew is a monkey and we've known this from very early on. Last night I went to their room to tell them lights out, and there were no boys visible. I could hear them in the closet, so I open the doors. What do I find??? I find a naked behind literally in my face!! He had shimied up the shelves and was hanging by the top shelf by one hand while using the other hand to toss down all the extra things of diapers and wipes to his brother, who with great enjoyment, was opening every single one of them and scattering them all around. As he's hanging there, naked, he turns to me with a sweet smile and says, "Hi, Mommy! Me need diaper," just as casually as can be, as if it's his normal routine to climb up the shelves to do this himself.

    Yes, the first thing I did once I got him clothed was remove the botton shelf so he can't do this again (although, past performances simply dictate that this will merely slow him down for a few days; he'll figure another way to get up if he really wants to. I wouldn't put it past him to have his brother kneel down so he can use Nathan as a stepping stool!).

    Now when it's quiet during nap time, I don't relax thinking they've fallen asleep. I get a little tense and have to wonder what they're doing now. Speaking of, it's a bit quiet in there right now! I better go check on them!!

    Thanks for letting me get this off my chest!
  2. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry the transition to twin beds didn't go more smoothly :hug: . Can you some how lock the closet door so they can't get in? Maybe putting an eye hook at the top of the door or the little white plastic thing on the door handle (even though mine did learn if you hit it enough you can break it off)? I would also start to get very firm with them and stay in there room when they first go down for nap or bed. Let them know that you expect them to stay in bed and if they get out they lose a blanket, pacifier or something special to them and then follow through. I would also either stay in there room or right outside their door until you know they are asleep. I know that will get annoying and take away valuable time but once they know that playtime is over then hopefully you won't have to stay there that long. My girls were younger when I switched them and I kept going in there room laying them down for bed and was very firm. I also took away their favorite blankets and stuffed animals that we let them have in bed. It took me probably about a week or two to get naps back (which I did eventually also have to seperate them for and put one on my bed and the other slept on their own bed) and a little longer for bed time to go more smoothly. As they got better at listening and staying in bed then I gradually let up on the rules and let them talk a little before bed but they still had to stay laying down. Good luck I hope it gets easier on you.
  3. mom2twinboyss

    mom2twinboyss Member

    Hi there! I know it can be so tough with this transition....

    My boys are just 2.5 years old and about 4 months ago we switched them to twin beds because Jake kept climbing out of his crib.
    I found I had to lock the closet doors with a child proof sliding lever which locks the closet doors at the top. I also had to take their dresser out of their room cause they wanted to climb it and take out all of the drawers. (I now use their closet shelves to hold their clothes and put in cubes for socks, etc.)
    I also give them just a few toys and board books as they room becomes a huge disaster if they have too much in their room.
    I sure hope it gets easier for you! :)
  4. sagertwins

    sagertwins Well-Known Member

    Im so glad that im not the only one with this problem as for my girls do the same thing I hear you on the one using the other as a step stool my girls have already done that.
  5. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    OMG that makes me so scared for that step! UGH
  6. GirliesGalore

    GirliesGalore Well-Known Member

    I can totally empathize with you! The girls are already 4, but we experienced the same thing with them. I was always shocked at what they were able to do. After they emptied their closet out 45 times, I finally spent $5 and bought 2 tension rods to keep their sliding closet doors closed. We also took basically everything out of their room. Not convenient, and we don't have much extra space, but it saved our sanity. One warning about this approach...they will find other "stuff" to play with. By "stuff", I mean POOP! Seriously, they took the poop out of their diapers and smeared it on the carpet and walls. I think I almost hit the roof! What one mind doesn't think of...the other one will. Gotta love some twins!!!!!

    Anyway, please know that you're not alone! And the good news is that it's a phase, and they do get over it. The girls now have all their toys in their room and go to bed fine. But getting to this point was a bumpy ride!
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