OMG OMG OMG!!! They stood . . .

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kaysyd, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    Ok, you have to understand why I am soooo excited. I had been trying to get PT, OT and speech for the girls last year for a while and my dr wrote for it after a while- and here after they were evaluated- the girls were 5 mos behind in gross motor and several (i forgot) in fine motor. They have quickly caught up in fine motor skills but are still behind in their gross motor. Also, since they have been sick sooo much the last month- our pedi said that they will probably be yet another month behind as they were recovering and not necessarily developing.

    Anyhow, what I wanted to share was . . . today, Kaysie let go and held on to nothing for several seconds. Syd, she has been doing this a little here and there- don't think she realized it- and today, she stood up without holding on to ANYTHING! Do I have a reason to be excited??? DOes this mean that someday soon they will be walking?? We were told that if they weren't walking in about 3 months- they would order some testing. THey have been cruising for months.

    WHat do you think? What did yours do?? Once they realize what they are doing- I hope they do it more often!!!!

    Any ways to intice (spelling??) them to do it more??
  2. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    Ok, you have to understand why I am soooo excited. I had been trying to get PT, OT and speech for the girls last year for a while and my dr wrote for it after a while- and here after they were evaluated- the girls were 5 mos behind in gross motor and several (i forgot) in fine motor. They have quickly caught up in fine motor skills but are still behind in their gross motor. Also, since they have been sick sooo much the last month- our pedi said that they will probably be yet another month behind as they were recovering and not necessarily developing.

    Anyhow, what I wanted to share was . . . today, Kaysie let go and held on to nothing for several seconds. Syd, she has been doing this a little here and there- don't think she realized it- and today, she stood up without holding on to ANYTHING! Do I have a reason to be excited??? DOes this mean that someday soon they will be walking?? We were told that if they weren't walking in about 3 months- they would order some testing. THey have been cruising for months.

    WHat do you think? What did yours do?? Once they realize what they are doing- I hope they do it more often!!!!

    Any ways to intice (spelling??) them to do it more??
  3. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I TOTALLY understand why you are so excited! I am at about the same place with Ainsley. She has been cruising for months, and today let go and stood without holding on to anything for several seconds, and then took a few steps!!! She hasn't gotten herself into standing without pulling up on something yet though. I think she is on her way!

    With Bea, she got herself into standing on her own for maybe a couple weeks before she started walking. I don't know if all kids do that or not.

    I hope our girls will be walking soon! Are yours still butt scooting? Ainsley does it less and less, she crawls or walks with a push toy now.
  4. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Such exciting news! Way to go Syd and Kaysie! [​IMG] [​IMG]
  5. kimr

    kimr Well-Known Member

    That's great news!!! I think you're almost there if they've been cruising for a while and when it does happen - look out! Natalie didn't walk until she was almost 20 months (so I feel for your arm!). But when she did, she was so good at, not like Brooke who walked several months earlier but was not so good at it for some time.
  6. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] WTG!! That is so awesome.
  7. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    Kelly- my girls are still butt scooting! It is beyond convenient for them!!!
  8. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    Kimr- this would be another reason as to why I am going to have wrist surgery [​IMG]
  9. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member


    FWIW, Sarah stood on her own about a month before she started walking (which was just last week). She had already been cruising for a few months -- walking with a push toy (or a laundry basket, trash can, end table...)-- but it just took her a long time to work up the courage to let go. [​IMG]

    I'd say Kaysie and Syd are on the way! It could still be a month or three (if my girls are any guide, at least), but they're definitely heading that direction. [​IMG]

    ETA: As far as enticing them to do it more -- I never bothered much, I figured they would do it when they were motivated. But some suggestions I've read are to hand her one toy and then another toy (so she has to let go to grab the second toy). Or place the push toy and the end table (or whatever) just far enough apart that she has to sort of leap from one to the other -- but not far enough that she has to actually take a step (at least not at first).

    I found that actually crouching down and saying "come to mommy!" or whatever did not really work until they had already gotten sort of used to walking. It was too much pressure or something.
  10. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Whoo Hoo!!!! That is exciting news!!! You have a right to be extremely excited!!! WTG girls!!! [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Sorry no advice as mine are just starting to let go and stand for a few seconds, but just wanted to say that is great news!!!!
  11. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    Minette- Thanks! That helped! I noticed that when I do the come to mommy- it's like yea, right, mom. I am trying to tell myself that it will be yet another couple of months- I'm pretty sure of that- but I was SOOOO excited to even see an ounce of progress. I hadn't seen any progress for a couple of weeks and the worry was starting to settle in- and quick.

    We are going on vacation in about 4 months and I would LOVE to have walking babies!! Makes it somewhat easier to handle.
  12. anicosia

    anicosia Well-Known Member

    Annika hasn't been walking for very long so I understand where you are coming from. One day it was like the light just went on for her. Dh and I sat feet to feet and had her walk back and forth between us. She would just collapse and giggle after she got close to us. Hopefully it will be soon for them.
  13. all4megan_kayleigh

    all4megan_kayleigh Well-Known Member

    That is exciting news!! I bet they will be walking in no time!!!
  14. 2for1

    2for1 Well-Known Member

    WTG, girls!!!! Mine did that for a while before they started walking, but it's definitely coming! Congratulations!
  15. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    YIPPEE! that's awesome news.
  16. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    WTG Girls!!!! [​IMG] [​IMG]
  17. Lisa R

    Lisa R Well-Known Member


    That is great news!! We had similar experiences with Amanda and one day she decided she was going to take a step. It wasn't far but she did it! They'll be running all over the place before you know it. Great job momma!
  18. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    Nathan cruised forever it seemed. William started taking practice steps between mommy and daddy about a month before Nathan decided to try and walk. The difference was while William had to build confidence with us getting farther and farther apart and still crawling a lot for several weeks, Nathan stood up in the middle of the kitchen and took of running never to really crawl again. The fact they are willing to try and balance without holding on is a good sign. They are just working up to that first step.
  19. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    [​IMG]WTG Kaysie and Syd!!! [​IMG]
  20. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] I DO think you have reason to celebrate!! That's wonderful!!!
  21. Amy A

    Amy A Well-Known Member

    How exciting! Let the good times roll!
  22. cabonnell

    cabonnell Well-Known Member

    this is EXACTLY what mine did. Just suddenly I look over and Emily decides she is going to stand for the first time on her the bath tub no less. Yep, they are getting oh so very close. Could be another month but as soon as they realize they can stand up on their own, it'll be exciting to them to try again here and there and then they'll start putting two and two together....stand up + cruise = walk (i.e. a step here and a step there on their own). I'm telling you, after a few months of walking around, they'll start doing that fast walk/run, then you'll just never know. They're catching up but at their own pace. The way I see it, yes they may still be behind...NOW, but once they start walking and running, there aren't any additional phases or levels of that...either you walk or you don't. I figure if they start walking...there, they're caught up. Keep you chin up, it's about to get really wild but give it about another month, maybe two, but I'm betting a month.
  23. firemedic

    firemedic Well-Known Member

    Yipee!!!! They will be running when we do our zoo trip in the spring!!!!!!! How wonderful.
  24. greatexpectations

    greatexpectations Well-Known Member

    I don't pressure them to walk or stand alone, but definitely provide motivation for it. Like, I will stand them up against a wall in our nice carpeted room so their butts/backs are up against it but they don't need to use their hands. This helps them feel secure, but rely less on hands. Then, from there, we walk holding my hands, then just one hand and then, most recently, with no hands. Baby steps for all of these. Both, actually, walk better alone on the hardwood floors. Figures. Here I have been "protecting" them from the boo boos.

    Anyway, congrats! My girls are 13 months and I'm feeling sure they will someday walk. From what I know from other twin moms and have heard, we should be counting our lucky stars they are giving us extra time to prepare!
  25. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I think that once they realize they can let go, the walking isn't far behind.
  26. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    Greatexpections- you are sooo right! I know I want them to walk so bad right now- for many reasons and one being I don't want to have to go through the testing the drs orignally said (I don't think we'll have to now that they are cruising) - and I know at some point when they are walking I will probably post on here how frustrated I am because they will be going 2 separate directions!!

    Thanks all for your encouragement! THe PT we work with strongly believes that the girls are scared of falling!!! She thinks that is why they won't let go- and not just the typical letting go. She worked with them a lot on Tues- and really feels they have a higher lever or greater level of fear than most children- because at this point- it is a challenge for babies to let go and GO but they are too "safe" where they are at. Go figure!
  27. kma13

    kma13 Well-Known Member

    I know we all struggle for those milestones and then think Why did I want this?? HA HA

    It is funny its the opposite problem of walking early -no fear- wlaking late is too much fear hmmmmmm. They are too smart...they know better than to want to fall!!

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