OMG.....not a bra already now too?!

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by MommyMelissaReturns, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. MommyMelissaReturns

    MommyMelissaReturns Well-Known Member

    I am reeling right now.........I swear there must be something in the air! First of all, Kimmy needing to shave her legs had me freaking out, but now......she is getting boobs.......or should I say...boob. She is only developing on one side!! The other is flat as can be!! Bless her heart, she came to me and said she had a bump on her chest and I seriously didn't think of her "developing" yet, so I kinda freaked out. She has a small, movable bump right under her little nipple on her right side. It hurts her too. I was all panicking and had my husband check it and drove down to my mother in laws and had her check it too and they both told me, "Um, do you think she might just be....developing?" I seriously didn't even think about that, I was ready to go to the doctor. My oldest never had one little lump at a time, so it caught me off guard.

    That being said, do you think you would still take her to the doctor and get it checked out? I'm a very over-protective Mom, but I don't want them to laugh at me and say well DUH, she has started to need deodorant, shave her legs and now this mysterious "lump", why didn't I put two and two together?! :blink:

    Kimmy had been a really good sport about it though, we did go get her some training bras, and we've been joking that they don't make one-sided bras and we've been calling her Lefty, etc.

    I just feel stupid for not realizing what was going on, I was thinking OMG, she has a breast lump!! :wacko:

    I have to add that she's really tiny, only like 55lbs and 10 years old!! She still looks like a 2nd grader, so maybe that's why I'm having such a hard time with this!!
  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I'd get it checked out... I don't think it would hurt and I'd think it would be both sides if she was starting to have boobs... and a small lump seems a bit weird.
  3. ihavesevensons

    ihavesevensons Well-Known Member

    I have 8 sons, so no boob issues yet, my daughter is only 22 months old, so I do not know what I would do in your situation. I do 'think' that is seems weird to only be on one side though.

    I would totally STOP the joking, teasing, name calling, etc though. Children today have a hard enough time with bullies, and "kidding" around. Home is a place where they should feel safe. A place where they should be able to speak openly WITHOUT judgment being passed. A place where when feeling uneasy about something, it can be talked about.

    I would bet that if the joking continues, she will be coming to you less and less with things. As a preteen, this is the last thing that I would want to happen.
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  4. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My girls aren't quite there yet, but the fact that it's on one side, it's moveable, and it hurts a bit...I'd probably get it checked, even if they do laugh at me. I wouldn't be panicking but it just sounds strange to me. Hopefully some of the ladies with older girls can weigh in for you! :hug:

    I do kinda agree about the joking a bit too, although I'm sure it's all in fun!! But, I remember being so excited to get my first bra and my dad teasing me about it, it made me feel so awkward and embarrassed. I know he didn't mean it that way, but a pre-teen/teen is kinda on an emotional rollercoaster as it is ;) All those hormones! :lol: A little joking is probably okay but try to be careful with it :hug:
  5. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I agree. Worthy of getting checked out if it only one side.: both as a reassurance since you said she is small and tiny (many small women develop later)and so she has privacy to talk to the Dr if she wants to. Have her write a list of questions and give her time to speak to the Dr alone. MAke the appointment as a 'maturation' or breast development appointment. No Dr worth their salt will laugh at it, he/she may want to follow up and make sure she is developing evenly in the future and if not, to make sure she has some support and ways to cope.

    Rest assured, a lot of women are 'uneven' and it is totally normal (actually more normal to be slightly larger on one side than not), but for a tween-- it could really make her self-conscience.

    Also, I too would make sure that teasing was not allowed. But that is just me. We do gentle joking at home, but never ever anything that our children are embarrassed, uncomfortable, worried, etc about. They even know to say "Please dont tease me about that." at any time ( one DD asked that recently when we were saying her hair needed a cut and she looked like a sheepdog. Gently of course and this was to the kid that LOVES to play she is a dog.).

    I was mortified to wear a bra as a preteen. Absolutely appalled- if ANYONE had teased me I would have cried. Literally- buckets.
  6. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    She may have a cyst or something do I would get it checked. All women have one breast slightly larger sometimes up to a cup different.
  7. Chrissy Nelson

    Chrissy Nelson Well-Known Member

    The girls have been getting "breast buds" I did research it and it is completly normal if it is on one side that they grow at different paces. I did buy the girls those little bras just to make them more comfortable. They do not wear them often and I do not make a big deal about it when they do bc they get embarassed.
  8. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    On a side note, I suggest justice for bras. They are so soft
  9. MommyMelissaReturns

    MommyMelissaReturns Well-Known Member

    Ok, well first of all, she is the one who started with the joking herself and we in NO WAY were making fun of her, she knows she can come to us and there's really a non-issue with that, we always cut up and act silly and try to make light of things that they may be embarrassed about. All of my kids come to me when there's something upsetting to them or just to talk, and I don't think us kidding around was hurtful to her at all. Obviously I have had the serious girl talk with her since this and she asked me questions and I answered them and she is 100% fine with it.

    On a more serious note, I took her to the doctor yesterday because it has continued to get bigger, while the other side is flat......................... and they are doing an ultrasound today @ 3pm at the hospital. I'm kind of freaked, and just wanted to ask for prayers for her.

    The ultrasound order says "breast lesion" needless to say, I'm worried. I'm not letting on to her that it's anything to worry about, I just told her that they wanted to check and make sure it's not a cyst which is harmless and I have them. But she's stayed home from school today throwing up, and I just think she's nervous/worried/scared. :(
  10. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I'll be thinking about you! Poor girl. It's good that you took her in. Keep us posted.
  11. MommyMelissaReturns

    MommyMelissaReturns Well-Known Member

    Thank you Fran. Everything was fine and the Doctor said her other side would "catch up", so needless to say, we are so relieved/happy/blessed. :angel:
  12. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Oh that's great news! Hopefully it catches up fast!
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