OMG it was the grossest thing ever

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by lawilliams77, Aug 26, 2009.

  1. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    Okay, I decided to finally clean the upstairs bathroom. My twins are 11 weeks old and I hadn't touched it since late in pregnancy. I kept telling the kids to clean it and even paid my 14 year old sister to clean it. I only started going upstairs over the past several weeks, mostly to put laundry away, but I've been deligating so much to the kids that I really don't go up there much. Well, lately, I would look in the bathroom and would always think, ick gross, and then proceed to the main level that I actually keep pretty clean. I think when something is really messy, you put it off because the thought of cleaning it is so exhausting. Anyways, I decided to make it my main goal today. It was worse than I'd even imagined. The trash can was overflowing with tissue, candy wrappers and used goodnights pants. The sink was covered with toothpaste, my daughters lip gloss and who knows what all. The bathtub wasn't horrible except that it had toys and other things in it. The soap bottle actually did not have soap in it but water. There was so much pee around the base of the toilet it was actually starting to grow things. Oh it was sooo nasty. I'm ashamed that I let an area of my house get so neglected. Well, now that I'm much more back in the swing of things, I hope to not let it get this bad ever again.

    Can any of you relate, any grossout stories?
  2. Shohenadel

    Shohenadel Well-Known Member

    My sister shared this gross story with me today.... (by the way, I have 7 month old twins and she is 20 weeks pregnant with twins).... she could not figure out what smelled so bad in her upstairs bathroom. She doesn't go up there much because of the stairs and she is on modified bedrest, but her children (3 boys) had been complaining of a stinky smell in the bathroom. She even had a cleaning lady come and give it a good cleaning and it still smelled. Well, today we discovered that my 4 year old daughter had peed in the kiddie potty and closed the lid days and days ago when we last visited. When my sister looked in she said it was so gross that she took the whole potty and threw it out in the trash!

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  3. ptyflack1

    ptyflack1 Well-Known Member

    I have four kids, 5 if you count DH. Since going back to work I wash the essential scrubs, baby clothes, school outfits for 5 days. Every thing else piles up. My laundry overfilled my walk in closet. When I was finally sorting it a couple towels were mildewy. Smelled so bad I had to throw them out. They were dark in color so something may have been growing on them. I thought that was gross.
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  4. LeeandJenn15

    LeeandJenn15 Well-Known Member

    BTDT, except it was at my house and I could NOT figure out what that smell was!!
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  5. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    Eww, we've let our dishes grow musty on a few occasions.
  6. mollyjm

    mollyjm Well-Known Member

    Rolling over laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Been there done that
  7. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    I haven't been in my basement since June. My in-laws are coming today and I can only guess what the bathroom down there looks like. I hope my MIL enjoys cleaning it because I am still not motivated to go down there....
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