Olivia fell face down - HELP!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Kellyx2, Feb 18, 2007.

  1. Kellyx2

    Kellyx2 Well-Known Member

    DH was cooking dinner while I was upstairs putting away clothes. DH put Olivia in the bouncy seat on the kitchen table. (He obviously did not strap her in). He brought Juliet upstairs for bath and all of a sudden I heard a huge bang....Olivia had fallen out of the bouncy seat face down onto the lanolium kitchen floor. I ran down to get her and she was screaming but then stopped. She is smiling, took her bottle, etc...and doesn't seem to have any bleeding...just a small bump on her forehead. I called my pedi and he said to wake her a couple times during the night. I'm terrified to go to sleep. What should I do? I know DH is so upset and me screaming at him didn't help matters. He is rocking her right now with an ice pack on her forehead. I'm just so scared because it was a really far fall for such a tiny thing. [​IMG]
  2. Kellyx2

    Kellyx2 Well-Known Member

    DH was cooking dinner while I was upstairs putting away clothes. DH put Olivia in the bouncy seat on the kitchen table. (He obviously did not strap her in). He brought Juliet upstairs for bath and all of a sudden I heard a huge bang....Olivia had fallen out of the bouncy seat face down onto the lanolium kitchen floor. I ran down to get her and she was screaming but then stopped. She is smiling, took her bottle, etc...and doesn't seem to have any bleeding...just a small bump on her forehead. I called my pedi and he said to wake her a couple times during the night. I'm terrified to go to sleep. What should I do? I know DH is so upset and me screaming at him didn't help matters. He is rocking her right now with an ice pack on her forehead. I'm just so scared because it was a really far fall for such a tiny thing. [​IMG]
  3. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Oh Kelly, that is the worst feeling ever! I would feel the same way you do right now. When I had my 4 mo. old in the sink to rinse her poopy bum, she hit her head and flipped out screaming. When I called the pedi, I was told that crying is a good sign. So I bet it will be okay. [​IMG]
  4. Trillian

    Trillian Well-Known Member

    They want you to wake her a few times in case she has a concussion. If she's smiling and took her bottle she's probably fine. A concussion makes you feel like cr@p, I'd think she'd be super cranky if she had one. Keep an eye out for any unusual behavior and just wake her periodically throughout the night like the pedi said. Everything will be fine [​IMG]
    I had a really bad fall when I was a kid (I think I was about 10) and had a concussion and it made me feel really sick. I was nauseous and had a splitting headache and kept falling asleep, my parents kept me up all night playing Trivial Pursuit. I know I wasn't an infant when it happened, but it made me feel really bad (I don't really remember but I'm pretty sure I barfed too.). You'd probably notice her acting differently if she had one.
    Sorry if I haven't been much help, maybe someone with more experience will have some better advice.
  5. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I know crying is a good sign as is NOT throwing up...if she took her bottle and everything I'll bet she's ok although waking her a few times during the night is a good idea too...

    DH was playing with DD and she fell face first onto the corner of a large plastic block...he didn't want to call me at work to tell me cuz he thought I'd take his face off!! Moral of the story - kids generally take this stuff better than mom and dad do and hugs to you and Olivia (and DH)
  6. Kellyx2

    Kellyx2 Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone. She is sleeping now. We will wake her before bed and then DH will during the night.
  7. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    Oh the poor thing! I am so sorry! I hope everything turns out arlight.
  8. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    Poor thing [​IMG]

    We've been through this too, just the other day M pulled a lamp down on her head that wieghed more than she does [​IMG]
    Check her eyes to see if they dialate, get a flashlight, put in front of her eyes to see that her pupils get smaller, then take it out of her face to make sure her pupils get larger. Make sure she is acting normal and watch for barfing...otherwise she should be fine [​IMG]
  9. WEME

    WEME Well-Known Member

    Just a heads up too....Chloe did this a while back and fell flat on her face. I thought for sure she would have broken her nose, but I guess it's real soft at that age. The next morning though she was black and blue under both eyes and around the nose area. She was fine and it went away in 3-5 days. It just looked bad. I hope your little one doesn't have that, but don't be shocked just in case. Poor thing! I know that has to hurt so bad and be so scary for them.
  10. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] Kelly, oh I hope she will be ok! Keep a good eye on her, ok?

    Patrick fell from his highchair seat at my mom's about a month ago. It was far and I was so scared. But he turned out fine, and i hope Olivia does as well.
  11. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    WHen my boys slept in their car seats one morning I brought Seamus out in the family room when we woke at 5:30am. I was carrying his infant seat and without me knowing, the handle was not in the middle but it was a snap back. When I placed him down, I basically through him right out because the seat was vertical when it touched the ground. He was about 3 months at the time. He fell on his face onto the hardwood floor. I put ice on and within minutes he stopped crying. I was sick to my stomach most of all because it was all my fault. I took him to the ER because I just wanted to make sure. I think it is one of thiose things if I was to have other children, I would have put ice on it and moved on but with being my first...

    Anyways, The Er dr. said their heads are stronger then we thing and they took an xray to make sure and everything was fine. He asked if he blacked out or vomitted. Those seem to be the signs to look for.

    I told my husband that he is a better person then I am because if it was him who did it, I would have came out of my bedroom yelling and asking what he did to the baby. When I screamed for my husband, he came out, got ice and didnt even ask me what happened. I think moms react differently.

    Keep us posted on how she is in the morning.
  12. BaaRamEwe

    BaaRamEwe Well-Known Member

    How scary. I'm sorry to hear that she got hurt. Like all the pp's. I'm sure she will be just fine. I find with my girls, the more I react, the harder they cry. Here's [​IMG] to you and your baby. Let us know how she is.
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