Okay! Post your TUMMY TUCK pics here!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 2for1, Jan 25, 2007.

  1. 2for1

    2for1 Well-Known Member

    Let's see 'em ladies! Befores and Afters. I saw the other thread about this, and it makes me want to see pics. i'd love to do it one day!
  2. 2for1

    2for1 Well-Known Member

    Let's see 'em ladies! Befores and Afters. I saw the other thread about this, and it makes me want to see pics. i'd love to do it one day!
  3. prettybaby25

    prettybaby25 Well-Known Member

    I haven't had a tummy tuck but I would just like to commend any ladies that show the before and after pictures... You are brave and probably very happy women (now).

    Congrats to all those with new flat pretty tummies!!!!
  4. LmSjt915

    LmSjt915 Well-Known Member

    I want to see! I can't wait to get a tummy tuck when I am done with having babies! [​IMG]
  5. twinboys505

    twinboys505 Active Member

    I would LOVE to see! I have seriously been considering having one!
  6. nursemom

    nursemom Well-Known Member

    There is a show on Discovery Health Channel called "sextuplets and twins one year after." It's a followup to a show about a family who had twins and then sextuplets 3 years later. Anyway, a plastic surgeon offered to give her a tummy tuck for free and it is documented by the show. I couldn't believe how good it looked after. Look for the show if you want to see a really good before and after.
  7. twinboys505

    twinboys505 Active Member

    I saw that show when they moved into a new house, and she showed her stomach. I guess it was a different show that featured her tummy tuck? I will have to watch for it, because I would love to see.
  8. 2peasNApod

    2peasNApod Well-Known Member

    I saw the first show that twinboys505 is talking about...CAN YOU IMAGINE??? Twins and then SIX MORE???? If I am not mistaken, she had no hired help and her husband worked either far away or lots of hours. And I want to say she worked on the weekends while he kept the kids by himself?

    Anyway, my tummy looks very similar to hers (not quite as much skin, but close) so I will be excited to see the show!

    I am getting my tummy tuck this summer. I will post before and after photos for y'all! I can't wait!!!!!!! [​IMG]
  9. jacob+twinsmom

    jacob+twinsmom Well-Known Member

    Here is a link to their website. Don't know if there are any tummy tuck pictures there (didn't have much time to look), but it is an amazing family. She is definetly a "super-mom." Although, I did feel like the couple bickered a lot. I guess you would with that many small kids!!!!!

  10. twinboys505

    twinboys505 Active Member

    Yeah, I remember she did not have any hired help and her husband worked long hours. She worked on the weekends as well! If I remember correctly, she was very organized, and I think you would have to be with that many kids. And I agree, I think my husband and I would bicker a lot too if we had twins and sextuplets! Everytime I think I have it rough with the two boys on my own during the day, I think of that mom doing it all on her own with six more than me, and I realize I'm doing ok! [​IMG]
  11. boysontheway

    boysontheway Member

    I saw that shows this week. I caught on the first episode she commented that she can't get up before 8:00 am, and her twins entertain the babies until she gets to them. I am still amazed with their naps!!!She said she puts them down at 12:30 and doesn't go into them until 4:00. The whole show was amazing, but I keep wondering how the kids sleep that long. They showed them all sleeping in the same room at the beginning of the nap, I'm not sure if they were actually sleeping the whole 3+ hours. I don't know if things have changed, they didn't mention naps in the second episode.

    Her tummy was completely flat afterwards. Even though I thought the MD said it would only be the skin under the belly button, the skin above was also completely flat too afterwards.
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