Ok, so what crazy obssessions do your kids have right now?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by double-or-nothing, Feb 13, 2008.

  1. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    My dd Arwen tends to go through these phases of being very IN to something to the point she becomes a bit obssessed. Nothing that I'm really concerned about but they can be pretty strange sometimes. The longest running one has been her obssession with spoons. She LOVES spoons. All kinds of spoons. Plastic spoons, metal spoons, big spoons, tiny spoons for her baby doll, my big wooden cooking spoons and the big plastic cooking spoons. She walks around with them all the time and always has at least one in her bed. In fact, she has a very strange collection of things in her crib. She has books, a doll, a rubber snake, a spoon, her toothbrush, her sippy cup, a little Matchbox car, a pacifier (she doesn't even use one but wants one because her sister uses them) and who knows what else. It's very funny.

    Her latest obssession is wearing her coat. She has been wearing it all day, every day for the past week. It's NOT cold in my house (we keep it at 72) but she just LOVES to wear her coat and sometimes she cries for her winter hat too. We haven't gotten out a lot this winter because they have been sick soooooooo much so maybe she's trying to tell me something?? LOL Anyway just curious what funny little quirks or obssessions your kids have.
  2. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    Annika LOVES, LOVES, loves to walk around with hangers and daddy's shoes. Zack LOVES any and all balls. Any size, texture, color, etc.
  3. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Jazzy has an obession with being a frog. She ribbits and hops A LOT.

    Jessy has an obession with babies.

    Both have an obession with Dora and the Backyardagains
  4. rayelynn

    rayelynn Well-Known Member

    Trains!!!! Any trains, it doesn't have to be Thomas either. I want to thank Tabbi for feeding my kids train habit, too. Lucas LOVES his bday present! I guess it is only fair, I did feed you kids' Dora habit.

    Hi, my name is Raye, and my children are train junkies....sob..... :(
  5. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Ainsley loves hats. She wears a hat all day some days. Bea is still on what gender everything is, and they are both still talking about Santa all the time.
  6. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Amy has had a sticker (actually one of those free return address labels that you get from charities) stuck to her tummy for over 24 hours now. I let her sleep with it all night, I figured it would fall off during the day today but it didn't, and it's still there under her PJs tonight.

    She is also still wearing a band-aid over the spot on her arm where Sarah bit her almost 2 weeks ago. I do replace it with a fresh band-aid every few days, but it still can't be good for the skin! But I figure it will do no permanent harm and she has a fit whenever I suggest taking it off.

    Both of them are obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine. I bought a few books on e-bay, and that's what they always choose for potty reading, bedtime stories, and to take in the car on the way to school.

    Amy is also obsessed with small terrycloth drool bibs, but that's nothing new -- she adopted them as her lovey when she was 9 months old and still sleeps with them.
  7. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    JOE: pockets, the word yeast, sorting anything (tupperware lids, pillows, rocks, buttons, etc)

    NICK: giraffes, crayons, the phrase bye-bye poo-poo, daddy's penis :rolleyes:
  8. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

  9. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Mine are obsessed with holes the same way you talk about the spoon obsession. I told them there might be spiders or snakes in the holes to keep them from sticking their hands in the ones outside and now EVERY hole is home to a spider or snake (including the bathtub drain where "itty bitty spider or snake" lives). They aren't scared in the least :rolleyes:

    They go through peculiar little phases as well (they both want to open the door themselves so one will open it and go through and the other will close the door and then open it and go through. They often close it again so I can open it too. They also want EVERYONE to have their zippers zipped to the very top and all buttons must be buttoned.
  10. my2littlebubbas

    my2littlebubbas Well-Known Member

    My little A.J. is obsessed with clocks right now. He will spot one anywhere. We were grocery shopping last week and he noticeds the tiny little round thermometer hanging in the cold section. He pointed and said clock and tick tock. My littel Ben is really into spotting hearts. I think because they are everywhere due to V-day and he knows the shape. Next week, it will probably be something else.
  11. Eyler07

    Eyler07 Well-Known Member

    The backyardigans. I think we're in need of a support group. They'll race down the stairs in the morning and point at the TV doing the sign for "more". Then we turn the Backyardigans on and they'll watch the opening song. After that they'll play until it goes off and then they'll run to the tv and wave bye to them and then turn around and do the sign for more again. The only one they actually watch the whole way through is "The Quest for the Flying Rock" and when the first dance on that one is over they watn to see it again. We watch it atleast ten times - just the dance. So i can sadly say "hi, I'm amanda and my twins are addicted to the Backyardigans". Anyone else like this?

  12. New Mom

    New Mom Well-Known Member

    Wearing shoes! They both have to have them on all day. I don't know where it came from b/c I use to only put shoes on them when we left the house. DD will bring my shoes to me and make me wear them also.


    QUOTE(double-or-nothing @ Feb 14 2008, 02:24 AM) [snapback]620874[/snapback]
    My dd Arwen tends to go through these phases of being very IN to something to the point she becomes a bit obssessed. Nothing that I'm really concerned about but they can be pretty strange sometimes. The longest running one has been her obssession with spoons. She LOVES spoons. All kinds of spoons. Plastic spoons, metal spoons, big spoons, tiny spoons for her baby doll, my big wooden cooking spoons and the big plastic cooking spoons. She walks around with them all the time and always has at least one in her bed. In fact, she has a very strange collection of things in her crib. She has books, a doll, a rubber snake, a spoon, her toothbrush, her sippy cup, a little Matchbox car, a pacifier (she doesn't even use one but wants one because her sister uses them) and who knows what else. It's very funny.

    Her latest obssession is wearing her coat. She has been wearing it all day, every day for the past week. It's NOT cold in my house (we keep it at 72) but she just LOVES to wear her coat and sometimes she cries for her winter hat too. We haven't gotten out a lot this winter because they have been sick soooooooo much so maybe she's trying to tell me something?? LOL Anyway just curious what funny little quirks or obssessions your kids have.
  14. thea7

    thea7 Well-Known Member

    My DS is currently obsessed with animals that swim in the water, especially turtles and fish. He has some small fish and a small turtle that he carries everywhere with him. And he's constantly telling my "Fish swim water" "Turtle swim water" "Hippo swim water."

  15. AWerner

    AWerner Well-Known Member

    my 3 yo is obsessed with boobies. she is fascinated by mine. It started when I was breastfeeding the twins way back when. I am not showing them off by any means, but if I am changing and she sees them we have to have a discussion about them and how someday she will have boobies too. then she spases out yelling "yay yay I will have boobies too!!" I made the mistake of off handedly noticing outloud the tangelos looked like boobies the other day while peeling one and now she has to say that too when somehow she brings up the subject of boobies. She also has held the tangelos up on her chest saying "now I have boobies like Mommy!" I see much embarrassment in my future over this and am sure I will post about it when it happens.
  16. avaoliviamom

    avaoliviamom Well-Known Member

    Olivia: Snow white costume
    Ava: Cinderella costume

    They put them on every day as soon as they wake up.
  17. twinmom11

    twinmom11 Well-Known Member

    MY DD is obsessed with learning to jump. She doesn't walk to get somewhere anymore she jumps all the way there. Slightly irritating but very cute to watch considering her little feet barely even leave the ground :) .
  18. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    They also want EVERYONE to have their zippers zipped to the very top and all buttons must be buttoned.

    Bea does this too! I had to tell her it makes me choke to have my zipper all the way up. So now she will say "Mama not like zipper all the way up makes Mama choke eh-eh".
  19. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(AWerner @ Feb 14 2008, 12:46 PM) [snapback]621805[/snapback]
    my 3 yo is obsessed with boobies. she is fascinated by mine. It started when I was breastfeeding the twins way back when. I am not showing them off by any means, but if I am changing and she sees them we have to have a discussion about them and how someday she will have boobies too. then she spases out yelling "yay yay I will have boobies too!!" I made the mistake of off handedly noticing outloud the tangelos looked like boobies the other day while peeling one and now she has to say that too when somehow she brings up the subject of boobies. She also has held the tangelos up on her chest saying "now I have boobies like Mommy!" I see much embarrassment in my future over this and am sure I will post about it when it happens.

    LOL! I shouldn't have read this post while drinking iced tea! Should have had a spew notice. :laughing:
  20. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    My son is still obsessed with lights. :rolleyes:
    My daughter is obsessed with me. :D Not always as good as it sounds...she won't nap and is on top of me constantly. :huh:
    They are both really into looking through picture books and me asking where things are, doing the ABC's and counting anything and everything.
  21. Juj

    Juj Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(double-or-nothing @ Feb 13 2008, 09:24 PM) [snapback]620874[/snapback]
    Anyway just curious what funny little quirks or obssessions your kids have.

    Michael - Geo Trax. He is obsessed with Geo Trax. If he is not playing with them, he is looking at the brochure that came in the box.

    Katherine - Flamingos. Everything is flamingos. She was even hoping that Moski's Meghan would have a flamingo on her birthday cake!
  22. K&B's Mom

    K&B's Mom Well-Known Member

    Kind of a weird one but DD is currently obsessed with throw up. What animals throw up, what color throw up is, ... YUCK :bad:! Poor thing had a stomach bug about a month ago and threw up 4 nights in a row (she seemed just fine during the day, thank goodness). This past weekend DH took her for a ride in a small plane and it was a little bumpy and she threw up again. Think that brought the throw up thing all up again (so to speak). On a more positive note, DD is also really into looking at the ads for Valentine Day candy. She quizes me on what type of candy is in each package. I'll be glad when both obsessions are over.

    DS, for his part, continues with his Diego obsession.
  23. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(debid @ Feb 14 2008, 03:53 PM) [snapback]621597[/snapback]
    They also want EVERYONE to have their zippers zipped to the very top and all buttons must be buttoned.

    Yep, here too. I have a zip-up cardigan where the zipper only goes partway up (it's a V-neck) and it drives them CRAZY trying to zip it all the way up to my neck. I'm like "It's doesn't GO that far!"

    QUOTE(Brenda1008 @ Feb 14 2008, 11:41 PM) [snapback]622476[/snapback]
    Think that brought the throw up thing all up again (so to speak).


    I forgot to mention (DH reminded me) that Sarah is also obsessed with yellow. If anything comes in yellow (sippy cups, ponytail holders, markers, etc.) she must have the yellow one. She also refers to them all as "my yellow," without the noun.

    Her inhaler medicine, in particular, is "my yellow" (and she's obsessed with that too -- begs for it whenever she sees the inhaler, even though she only gets it twice a day!). It reminds me of Gollum in LOTR and "my precious."
  24. BJAMs

    BJAMs Well-Known Member

    My son is Diego. He wants to be called Diego. :laughing: DD is not into anything at this point.
  25. stacyann_1

    stacyann_1 Well-Known Member

    My son is the one to always get stuck on something - Now it is candles!! He LOVES Candles. My mom bought him a heart candle for valentines day. Any store you are in you must go to the candle section and let him smell them all. He has always been like this, starting at 6 months with apples. Other things he loved but got over are Balloons, Pumpkins, and Balls.

    My daughter is more even keel, but she still is very passionate about nursing, as she said to me the other day during a nursing break 'mommies milky is so yummy!'
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