Ok it's official

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Specky, Nov 18, 2009.

  1. Specky

    Specky Well-Known Member

    So I'm officially a second year mommy!! woo hoo! Why does it feel like the end of an era?

    Ok, it was a long, hard journey to get pregnant. I am so utterly in love with my baby boys,but I've been thinking alot lately about trying for one more. We needed IVF for this pregnancy and we still have 2 embroyos. I'm 36.5yrs old, so I'm worried about waiting too long. My husband and I have agreed to table the discussion until they are 2. But I can't stop thinking our family is not complete. I have been thinking about this since they were born! Am I crazy? I know this is really hard work, but it doesn't feel hard to me, I just love being a mommy so much!! I've always loved kids, but I never expected to want to be a SAHM. (I'm looking for weekend work now).

    Then I think of all the negatives, how will I be able to handle my two toddlers while pregnant.
    what if we have twins again.
    will i have to take away from my boys to provide for another
    ugh, i'll have to get rid of my suv and get a minivan
    we'll need an addition to the house.

    but then i think, now that i know what i'm doing, having another will be a breeze. my boys are so amazinglying easy!

    Maybe this is just hormonal...i wasn't a huge fan of infant hood, but I love kids...am I crazy...anyone else out there feel this way?
  2. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Happy 1st birthday!!
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :bday: to your kiddos! :welcome: to the SY!
    I don't think you are crazy for wanting more children, I think it's perfectly normal to feel what you are feeling.
    Going from infant hood to toddler hood is the end of era, one that goes by amazingly fast!
  4. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    Happy birthday babies!!!! Congratulations for making it to 2nd year. I am a strong believer in intuition and knowing when you are complete. I don't think you are crazy at all. I remember when my first baby was small I had this feeling that there was someone else. I would catch myself thinking when she was super loud that she would disturb the baby (which wasn't even around yet). Now that sounds crazy. When my second baby was born I only felt done because I was done with my ex. I still knew I wanted more. I always felt I wanted more and there was more. It was a yearning I guess. Now that I have the twins I feel complete. I did have a few moments of wanting that cuddly baby, but they are a lot of work. Now I love to watch them and be with them and don't want anymore. I think you will know when you are done. Good luck with your decision.

  5. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

  6. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the Second Year!! :birthday: :birthday:

    So far it's been a crazy ride...... :):)
  7. Obie9

    Obie9 Well-Known Member

    I feel exactly like you do. They just started their second year, and I want 1 more!

    However, my husband refuses to even discuss it. He is out of work right now, so I am waiting until he is settled in a new job.
  8. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    first off, congrats! getting to one is a big milestone. i felt like it was MY birthday when that day came;). i totally hear you on the long journey, too. we're actually "officially" too old to have any more, and i'm sooo thankful for these two. if i were under 40, it would totally different, though. wanting children just gets into your blood, even when you've finally been successful in having them!

    gl w/what ever you decide. welcome to sy and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, little ones!
  9. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    Welcome to 2nd year and :bday: to your boys! I don't think you're crazy at all! I agree with the pp "intuition" remark...only you know what's right for you and one more might be that!! FYI, for what it's worth, I'm in love with my mini-van (and I was SO anti-minivan pre-twinkies:)!
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