Ok for newborns to sleep in bouncer or similar device?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Tier1Terrier, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. Tier1Terrier

    Tier1Terrier Active Member

    Our newborn twins have reflux. They are very fussy after eating when laying on their backs. We discovered that they are MUCH less fussy when placed in a bouncy seat after meals for at least an hour. The problem is, they are eating every 3 hours, so they end up spending a lot of time in the bouncy seats - especially at night - when we feed them, place them in the bouncer, and go back to sleep until the next 'feeding/changing' time.

    Does anyone know if this is bad for the newborns? I can't imagine that this is good for posture, but I also don't know how long we would / could do this for? Does anyone else let their newborns sleep in anything besides a conventional bassinet, crib, co sleeper, etc?
  2. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    One of my 2yr olds slept in a swing at night and naps for seven months and is perfectly fine. I don't know what the general pedi ruling is on this but I sat let them sleep how ever is best for them.
  3. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Our pedi said it was fine for our kids to sleep in either their swing or bouncy seat if that helped their reflux. (unfortunately, they didn't sleep well ANYWHERE for the first 6 months or so). The only thing our pedi said was not to let them sleep in their carseats on a regular basis. He felt like a carseat set on the floor puts them at an angle that is awkward for their neck and not good for them.
  4. rayceryin12

    rayceryin12 Well-Known Member

    My boys slept at in their bouncers and sleep in their swings right now.
  5. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine all slept in bouncies or swings for at least the first 4 months. :good:
  6. astewart0610

    astewart0610 Well-Known Member

    It is totally fine. My boys slept in their bouncers for the first two months for the same reason. Fortunately they now sleep thru the night and.don't have any reflux issues so they sleep.in their crib.
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