Ok, but HOW do you KNOW when THEY are ready?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Faith00, Mar 6, 2008.

  1. Faith00

    Faith00 Well-Known Member

    This may be different for everyone but really how did you know when they were ready to pt?

    Do you get the potty chairs and wait for them to ask to use them? Or do they just ask completely on their own?

    My boys aren't quite 2 1/2 yet but I'm just trying to get a clue about the whole pt thing. Like others that have posted, I'd rather avoid this issue than hit it head on. Totally clueless on the whole thing and it seems like different things work for different people, which is good I guess. I'd really like to wait until closer to Summer but I do have one who MAY be nearing the ready point or at least showing interest in the big potty and telling me when he has a poopy diaper.

    I want the whole thing to be as quick and painless as possible. They have slept through the night since they were four months old and gave up pacis on their own. So pt and going to toddler beds are my two goals this year...
    TIA for any suggestions or key information.

  2. ChristinaB

    ChristinaB Well-Known Member

    Honestly, if you think they are ready, you try it. If it works fairly easily, they were ready. Great job, good for you. If it doesn't work after a week or two, they weren't ready. You give up and try again in a few more months. Even failures to teach potty-training teach the kids the concept and the idea and they are that much more prepared for the next time you try.

    Some signs that they are ready:
    - they come and tell you when their diaper needs to be changed
    - they show an interest in the potty
    - they are not going through a defiant stage

    My experience has been that the longer you wait to potty-train, the easier and faster it is. One of my sons took much much longer to potty-train because I started him too young, while I found that by waiting until 3 or a little after, most of my kids were potty-trained within a few days.
  3. Faith00

    Faith00 Well-Known Member

    AWESOME response. seriously!

    Thank you!!

  4. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I absolutely agree with pp. We didn't push at all and Sofia PT herself 2 weeks ago. Ryan is still not showing any interest, but I know that he'll come around on his own terms.
  5. twins1231

    twins1231 Well-Known Member

    My girls are 26 months and Emily started to show a great interest this week. Samantha wants to sit on the potty, then get up, then sit, etc.

    Emily has been wearing big pants the last two days and has had a couple of accidents (because samantha had my attention elsewhere). We still put her in pullups/diapers at nap and nightime. That girl processes liquid like crazy, I swear she'll pee every half an hour. It is kind of nice training one at a time.

    If they show interest give it a try. We are getting new carpet on Friday so I figured now is as good as time as any to see if they are ready. It took a day and half and she figured it out. Emily asked to go potty so I can't tell her no.

    Mom to Samantha and Emily born 12/31/2005
  6. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I have one that is ready and one that could care less. Allison comes to me every time she needs to be changed. She hates a wet diaper. We change her many, many times throughout the day because she screams when she wets her diaper and comes to us immediately. So, in about a week when I am on Spring Break, I will try to hit the potty seriously with her. If Sarah wants to join in on the fun, I'll let her, but she could care less if she gets changed throughout the day so I really don't have high hopes for her. However, I agree with the others, my son was 3 1/2 when he was potty trained and we had few accidents. He did really well at that age and was never interested before then.
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