Ok..all this discussion with potty training has me thinking

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 4EverHis, Jun 15, 2009.

  1. 4EverHis

    4EverHis Well-Known Member

    My boys will be 2 years and 8 months at the end of the month. They are showing NO signs of having a clue as to what to do. Now mind you, I have teenagers and they were potty trained by the time they were 2.5 but I know all kids are different. Will I see when it kicks in like I did with my older ones or what? They don't even realize when they are peeing in the tub that it is actually coming from them. I have a potty chair out they play with. They tell me that they pooped after they are done. We discuss taking diapers off to pee and poop, etc. I guess I am finding it odd that they have no interest and wonder if it will all kick in at some point or is there some real work ahead. Is it different with twins than singletons? Just curious and wondering when it will happen. I know forcing the issue is not worth it but I don't want to be so laid back they are behind because of that too, kwim?
  2. Lisa R

    Lisa R Well-Known Member

    Welcome back to the wonderful world of potty training!!

    My opinion would be to give it a try and see how it goes. My DD trained at 2 yrs 10 months but DS didn't train until almost 3.5. At around 2, we started with discussing potty training. One day after their 2nd birthday (I'm not sure exactly when), we (the kids and I) bought a package of "special" undies for each of them and we gave it a go. One morning when we woke up, I took off diapers, told them that I wasn't going to put a new diaper on and we sat on the potty. No luck the first go but we made a "fun" morning of it. I kept asking the kids if they wanted to try to go pee on the potty. Eventually both of them did go on the potty but there were also many accidents. I judged their interest during that first test run and felt it was too soon. Every once in a while, DD would ask to sit on the potty but it wasn't a normal thing. We tried again a few months later. DD had success the 2nd time around. DS took a very long time. I guess I just took signs from the kids to see where they were in the process.

    Ultimately, I think you need to start the process and judge how it goes. They may still be a bit young but you won't know unless you push them to try a bit.

    Good luck!!
  3. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I think it eventually kicks in, somewhat. My ds was like you described until recently. He now holds it and waits for us to bring him to the bathroom and tells me before he does #2... but he still doesn't want to PT. :grr: So I think it will eventually click for them. I know I tried a couple of times with him when he had no clue what was really happening and it was disasterous. :faint:

    Good luck!!
  4. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Like pp said, give it a try and see how it goes. My girls showed no interest, but knew what to do, so I pushed them a bit and we had success. I know that's not for everyone though.
  5. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    I also think you should give it a whirl. I decided to try to PT mine at 2 and 4mo because I thought DD was ready. Turns out she could care less and trained three months later. DS on the other hand, showed NO interest and honestly I thought it was way beyond him, but I did nakie training with him and he trained in 3 days at 28 months!
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