Oh my gosh, I can't believe it!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Amy A, Apr 11, 2007.

  1. Amy A

    Amy A Well-Known Member

    Today I was changing Josh's diaper when I asked him if he wanted to use the potty. He said yes, use the little potty mommy. So we went upstairs and he peed FOUR times on the potty! :eek: He would pee, get up, sit down again, pee again, ect! I couldn't believe it, I was SUPER excited! I didn't think it was a fluke since he showed me he could do it, but who knows if he would do it again. Well, a few hours later when daddy came home I asked Josh if he wanted to show daddy how he peed on the potty. He said yes, and procced to pee AND poop on the potty chair. I was in shock!! I am so excited!! I went to target tonight and bought our first pull ups and some fun cars underware (probably a bit early on that, but it was SOOO cute).

    Any advice on where to go from here? I guess I plan on just keeping on taking him to the potty to give him a chance to pee. Unfortunatly I work this Friday through MOnday, so I don't know how far we will get in two days, but we'll see. And then tomorrow he has his ENT appt in the morning, so we won't be home in the morning. But I guess we just go with the flow. Noah didn't seem to intrested, but he did sit on the potty. I think this might be more doable if I only train one at a time anways. I have REALLY been dreading it, but now not so much - here we go!
  2. cabonnell

    cabonnell Well-Known Member

    That's wonderful! I have no experience with this yet, but I'd say continue to ask him when you think he might need to go and see if he wants to do it again.
  3. MommyTo3andCounting

    MommyTo3andCounting Well-Known Member

    That's awesome! Just keep offering and hopefully he'll just keep going. When we were home with the boys while we were potty training we actually skipped the Pull-Ups. It was harder for them to tell when they had an accident, so we just let them wear their big boy undies. We had some messes to clean up, but it only took about 5 days and they were pretty much potty trained. We still used Pull-Ups at night for about 2 weeks after that.
  4. rens

    rens Well-Known Member

    Congrats on the start of the process. I dreaded it too but it was not too bad here. Ella just suddenly got it when I offered undies and only rarely has accidents. We did not do pull ups here so no advice on those. We are still in diapers when they sleep but hope to get beds soon and will work on that more.
    Our girls loved the undies and the choice of undies that we had and that helped. We also did M and M's when they went for a while and that helped.
    Would just keep asking off and on if he has to go.

    Fun times!

  5. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    That is great! :clapping:

    We are just getting started. They actually like sitting on the potty but have not gone on it yet!
  6. Amy A

    Amy A Well-Known Member

    Josh has been on the potty several times today again with success!! I am very excited. I am thinking after I work my 4 night stretch I will really get aggressive with him and see what happens. Thanks for your encouragement girls!
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