Oh my a Roller Coaster Week

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by ward, Jul 11, 2011.

  1. ward

    ward Well-Known Member

    So the day after fourth of July was our 32 week ob appointment and then our NST. Went to the doctor and was feeling the same pressure and tightening i had been feeling for awhile but not it was going into my back as well. Wasn't sure what it was but after doc appointment went over to the hospital (they do the nst's at our hospital since their equipment is better) while on the monitor the nurse asks are you feeling those contractions :unsure: i was like ummm yeah. "I am having contrations?" I had never actually felt them when i was pregnant with my son so i wasn't sure what to look out for. She said yes i was having them but didn't even tell my doctor just did the strip on the babies and sent me home. When i got home i kept having the contractions they were about 4-5 min apart called our midwife she said to drink as much water as i could in a half an hour period and take a nice shower to try and relax my muscles and the contractions should stop. They didn't. I decided we needed to go back to the hospital when i had 8 contractions in an hour so we went in and started getting monitored. The first nurse checked my cervix twice and told me no change. I was like oh thats great i can go home and rest and try and just deal with the contractions. The second nurse came in to check me before letting me leave and found that i was dilating i was at 1cm and 80% effaced. I wasn't gonna go anywhere. They decided to start me on some magnesium sulfate and put me in a better room. The mag didn't help the contractions they just kept coming. She checked me again and i was 1 1/2cm and 90% effaced. After the mag had been in my system for a couple hours they decided to check again and found i was at 3cm 100% effaced with my bag of water bulging out. At this point they decided it would be best to transfer me to another hosptial one that had a NICU and told me if i get to 4cm they would do the c section and get the babies out. Before they transfered me they gave me one of two steriod shots to help the lung development of the babies. Went to a hosptial 45 min away from my home. They took me off the mag and put me on something else started with an N and monitored my contractions and the babies I continued to contract but never dialated anymore than 3. Finally after being in the hosptial almost a week with no changes and the meds not really doing what they were supposed to do they took me off of them and told me i could go home today. Babies looked good on all the NST's which we did two a day and bascially told me strict bed rest at home. No sence in me staying at the hospital when nothing was happening and i would get better rest at home in my own bed. Doctors were very nice but dealing with three doctors instead of your own is a little frustrating. Prayers are welcome as i am still contracting just not as often or as strong but my water is still bulging. Baby A is breech and actually had a foot on my cervix and i think that may be why my cervix dilated but i think she took her foot off and thats why nothing escelated. Baby B is still transverse and these girls kept giving the nurses a run for their money when they would put the monitors on because they would have both babies for two seconds and then they would move LOL. I just wanna keep these girls in as long as possible. So now we are at 33 weeks as of tomorrow and have a doctors appointment wednesday with my reg ob =) I missed my son and am very happy to be home.
  2. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I hope you are able to keep them in for a few more weeks. Don't get out of bed and rest, rest, rest! Thinking of you
  3. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh my goodness! I'm so glad your dilation stopped and you are home resting. Did you get the 2nd shot?

    Please keep us updated and rest. :hug:
  4. borgerfam

    borgerfam Well-Known Member

    so sorry you went through this/ are going through this sebastiansmommy!

    I hope you are able to rest well and keep the babies IN for as long as necessary.

    Very glad you stopped at 3.

    I will pray for you and your precious babies!

  5. ward

    ward Well-Known Member

    yes i did get the second shot which is good. The steroids help with the lungs and the mag sulfate helps with their brains as well =) the docs have done everything they can do for now and at this point its up to me and my body =)
  6. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    Praying that you can get to grow and keep them safe a bit longer!
  7. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I hope they stay put a little longer, glad you had the shots!! Take care, thinking of you!
  8. Lindala25

    Lindala25 Well-Known Member

    Glad you stopped dilating. Every day in there helps. I'll be thinking of you too. Bake babies bake!
  9. BaileyandMarleysMom

    BaileyandMarleysMom Well-Known Member

    Wishing you the best and hoping that the babies stay in a little longer!
  10. ward

    ward Well-Known Member

    thank you SO much ladies. The contractions have really slowed down since being home which is great. I think being in a more comfortable setting has really helped out a ton. Only have had one this morning so far. Blood pressure is raised though, i think that it is high because i have been sitting up so i better lay down and retake it.

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