Oh Man! She's vomitting!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by dfaut, Apr 21, 2007.

  1. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    My poor baby girl woke up in the middle of the night vomitting and she sounded croupy. It was scary!! We were up with them for hours. She asked for apple and I gave it to her and waited till she threw that up before putting them back to bed. Both beds are double sheeted. I figure it's a matter of time before he starts! So, what do you think? How long till Martin starts?

    How long will this last? No diarrhea so far! (knock on [strike]my head[/strike] - er wood ;) )

    I'm off to take a nap. DH is taking his mother on a date tonight since I am staying home with the sickos. Thankfully my parents are visiting and very helpful!!

    Sorry if I am a little MIA!! :hug99:
  2. Tasha

    Tasha Well-Known Member

    Oh no! I am sorry that I don't have any advice, but hope that it is all a 24 hour bug and gone soon. Be MIA all you need to! :) We look forward to updates, and hopefully positive ones. :angel:
  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    That was my daughter last weekend. She started out the bottom end but then on Sunday she was throwing up! So, it was sips of juice to keep her somewhat hydrated. Knocking on wood, nothing wrong with Clayton other than a little sniffly nose. I hope she feels better soon!! (see my blog for details!)
  4. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear she is sick but I don't think it necessarily means he will get it. K was sick around Christmas and never shared it with Kyle (or myself). Hope she is feeling better soon!
  5. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Oh no Diane, hope she is feeling better soon...vomitting and croupy...you can't get much worse! Hope everyone else stays well!
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    That's great news that I can have hope for Martin not getting it!! I just had this vision of DH and Parents all leaving on Monday a.m. and MY being sick that day. (It's happened before, but don't want it to happen again!)

    Martin's nose is running, but that's all so far! Ali hasn't thrown up again, but she's sleeping still. I think the fever has her whomped down big-time!!
  7. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Yuck! :( Hope she's feeling better soon and Martin doesn't get it. If it helps at all, Ainsley seems to throw up whenever she has something cold-like. I think the post nasal drip makes her vomit. Bea is not so vomit prone, can't even remember the last time she did.
  8. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Oh no Diane :( I hope everyone is feeling better soon!!!
  9. rosie19

    rosie19 Well-Known Member

    I hope your DD is feeling better soon. Add us to the list of those that only had one twin with the stomach bug. Natalie got it but the rest of us managed to avoid it. It's funny that several pp with boy/girl twins noted that the girl got the bug and not the boy. We call Natalie our little petrie dish since she picks up every germ out there!

    I hope that your DD is able to sleep it off and that the bug is on it's way out fast!

  10. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    Oh no Diane! I hope she is feeling better soon! Poor baby. :(

    We had our first stomach bug last week, and it was NO FUN! It started with Rita on Sunday night. That was the only night she threw up, but she felt cruddy for the next couple of days and we kept her home from daycare. On Wednesday I was starting to think maybe Natalie was out of the woods, but BAM, midnight on Wednesday she woke up crying and had thrown up everywhere. She ended up having it worse than Rita and was still throwing up some on Friday and Saturday. :( She was also a total screaming banshee all Saturday and Sunday, UGH, it was bad.

    So for us it was 3 full days between them. But I don't think it means Martin will definitely get it -- keep all your fingers and toes crossed!
  11. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    Nothing's worse than your babes being sick!! HOpe she gets better soon and doesn't share :)
  12. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Thanks guys!! We made it through the day with no vomit so far.... fingers and toes crossed!!

    She has this horrible little bark when she coughs or sneezes, but it's not croupy now, and it only happens maybe once every couple of hours. One single cough or sneeze. Martin's nose is running!! I'm guessing the Children's Museum got us! Oh well!! :(

    Thank you all!!! :friends:
  13. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    my DS got the poopies a week ago last Thursday and it took until the Wednesday after for DD to get it (and DH got it last weekend too)...DD seems to have kicked it by today...fortunately DS only threw up once and I think that was more because I sorta made him eat at dinner time and I don't think it sat well with him...

    hope she's feeling better soon!
  14. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(~* dfaut *~ @ Apr 21 2007, 10:09 PM) [snapback]229496[/snapback]
    That's great news that I can have hope for Martin not getting it!! I just had this vision of DH and Parents all leaving on Monday a.m. and MY being sick that day. (It's happened before, but don't want it to happen again!)

    Martin's nose is running, but that's all so far! Ali hasn't thrown up again, but she's sleeping still. I think the fever has her whomped down big-time!!

    UGH, I hope that doesn't happen! We are in the same boat here too. Reagan puked last night...just once. She was fine the rest of the time and even all day today. I get her ready for bed and 5 mintues after putting a new diaper on her, she let loose a huge diarrhea one and it's been downhill since then. I just checked on her again and had to change her and the sheets again with another gross diaper.

    I'm reliving Mother's Day 2006 again. We ALL had the flu and were having it out both ends...and that's when Morgan got the phone and pushed enougth buttons to alert 911 and the police showed up at our door adn I was literally passed out upstairs from throwing up. I just keep PRAYING that no one else here gets it, but I keep having flash backs. It's bad enough that we are knocking on the door of Mother's Day 2007. Huh, how ironic!

    I hope everyone there stays healthy and she gets better soon!
  15. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    Last time my kids got the bug, back in february, they each got it about 24-48 hours after the previous kid.. Avielle had it for five hours on a tuesday night... then Judah and I got it for 5 hours on a thursday afternoon... then Emma got it for five hours friday afternoon...then dh got it saturday...

    This past week though... Emma puked at 7am wednesday morning... she had one diahhrea during the day...then 8Pm that night she pukes again...and proceeds to puke/diahhrea until 2:30am... around 3am I start up with the runs.... Next morning Emma pukes again.... we both have the runs all day.... She sleeps great Thursday night and I think we're done. Well, friday morning she pukes up her applesauce and pedialyte.. whenever either of us does periodicaly have a bm it's diahhrea until saturday afternoon.... now that it's sunday I HOPE we're finished.... This thing lasted 3.5 days... My other two kids have been up at my mom's.... in a complete coincidence she took my twins on Monday. I've been bleeding during this pg. The doc told me no heavy chores... so my mom took the twins "for a few days" to give me a break. She was about to bring them back wednesday when I called her to tell her Emma just puked. Thank God! Thank God that she had them up there. They haven't gotten sick. She's going to try to keep them until wednesday so that we don't pass this to them. I'm positive that if they got this thing they would have wound up in the hospital... Emma was very close to needing an IV and she's my 32 pounder... can't imagine how my twins would have fared... I hope your kids get better and stay well... I really hate these stomach bugs....
  16. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    Oh i hope they both are on the mend! Dd started our puking brigade here Monday after Easter :eek: Then Josh got it on Wed then Thursday passed it to Zach :unsure: That did not last more than 12 hours thought TG. But then MY GOD the diahrea (SP?) was explosive for a few days later. The puking was actually EASIER to handle :huh: I think we went through 20 diapers a day for 2-3 days!! Reminded me of the newborn days SHEEEEEEESH.

    healthy vibes to all B)
  17. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I just got home from the hospital. They are calling it Croup and viral vomitting!! SWELL!!! 8)

    She LOVED the popsicles they gave her for hydration! She hadn't had any before and that perked her up quite a bit. She's sleeping now and once the zofran has taken effect we'll give her the Croup pill! They gave us extra in case Martin got sick!

    I call the pedi's office this a.m. after she didn't make any improvement and they said "to be safe, you should take her in".....

    Thanks for the support everyone!! You guys are the best!!! :drinks:
  18. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    What a double whammy! Gotta be one of the strangest combinations I've ever heard of... That's great that they gave you meds for it... I had no idea they had an Rx for croup or that they gave anything for vomitting!
  19. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Oh Diane, very bad combo, poor baby. Hope she's feeling better soon!
  20. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Poor Ali...I hope she feels better soon. At least you got some answers and finally got some meds...try and get seom rest yourself.
  21. r-twins

    r-twins Well-Known Member

    Wow, Diane! That sounds terrible! I hope she get feeling better soon and hope Martin doesn't get it too. :hug99:
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