Well, today a birthday party at a local pool. Last night at midnight, Alice started running a fever. She seems to be fine, but now Royce is vomiting. So I'm going to take Alice, and hope that she doesn't get sick again, and Royce is staying home. And both were really excited about the party.
OH no! I hate when kids get sick, but especially if it means missing an event that they are looking forward to. I hope he gets better soon!
Sounds like what has been going around here. DS#1 last weekend had a fever and stomach ache for a few days.I'd give him Motrin, the fever would go away until the next dose. Tuesday DS#2 came home from school with a fever and then vomited a good 6-7 times and could not keep anything down. It was less than a 24 hour bug and he was able to go to school the next day. I hope they both feel better soon.
Poor kiddos :hug: We had a stomach virus blow through our house two weekends ago. I hope they are feeling better soon!
Ughhhhh. Such a bummer. We've had to cancel so much this winter because of illness. It stinks!! I hope he feels better soon. :hug:
He's all better. Maybe 12 hours long. Irene, have you heard about the crazy quick stomach bug in our area?
We had it here on Thursday with one of mine, about 10 hours of hardcore puking and then one fever spike and then gone.
We had the same thing happen today too! They had a birthday party today, but Nick has been vomiting all day. He was in tears because he couldn't go to the party.