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Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by megkc03, Oct 16, 2008.

  1. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    OK. So-most of you know my story..At least the recent one! My boys will be a year old on Saturday :cry: and I am 5 weeks pregnant. My boys were conceived via our 4th IVF attempt(2nd fresh cycle). The current pregnancy is from our FET on October 1.

    With the boys-I had NO symptoms. The ENTIRE pregnancy. I burped a lot in the beginning-which is the reason I took a hpt. Same thing happened this pregnancy. Burping. That's it-thus far at least. But-I worry. ALL. THE. TIME.

    After dealing with infertility for so long, and having to do IVF, etc.. It's hard to really believe I am pregnant. I just never believed it with the boys-at least until they started moving! I just worry something is going to go wrong. I worry that at our first u/s..we won't hear a h/b. I worry because I don't have symptoms. At least if I did-I may not worry as much(ya right!).

    I just don't feel pregnant. I know I am not supposed to feel kicks or anything like that! LOL! I just feel like my normal self! And I also worry because I am a SAHM and I take care of the boys all day by myself-and I worry something could happen. I am doing too much lifting, or whatever.

    So-the jist of this crazy post is-is there anyone else like me out there? I mean I look at my stomach and just can not believe there is life growing inside me! I have cramps( I know normal), I am STARVING at times-eventhough I ate recently, not as exhausted as before I found out, and...still burping. So I guess some things are there....

    This whole worrying thing stinks! OK. Just had to semi vent! Thanks! Oh-and the first u/s is on October 29th. Only 1 weeks and 6 days away...
  2. GirliesGalore

    GirliesGalore Well-Known Member

    First, a huge congratulations!!! How exciting!

    I remember being more nervous the 2nd time I was pregnant. And actually, the girls were 10 months old when I got pregnant with Jax, so I can relate to you on this. I think my first pregnancy, I really didn't know what to expect, or know all of the things that could go wrong. I had a great pregnancy with the girls, but I was just more aware of the "what ifs". Having that first sonogram and seeing that little heart flutter was such a relief. I'm sure you can't wait for that.

    I know this wasn't much help, but just wanted you to know I had some of the same fears. CONGRATS!
  3. megan smith

    megan smith Well-Known Member

    I am pregnant with baby #5 and in the days leading up to the first u/s I was really scared they would tell me there was no baby or no heartbeat I dont think it gets any easier with time. Dont worry too much about lifting and enjoy that you are starving I take advantage of that :) Good luck with your ultrasound and Congrats. :hug:
  4. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I did IVF to have my girls. We already had 3 boys at the time and /i remember thinking that I would not worry at all with this pregnancy I mean I had BTDT 3 times before LOL!! I was so full of worry!! I think it is a completly normal thing!


    and Oct 29 is my ds#3's 10th birthday!!
  5. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Amber 8719 @ Oct 16 2008, 10:17 PM) [snapback]1029484[/snapback]
    First, a huge congratulations!!! How exciting!

    I remember being more nervous the 2nd time I was pregnant. And actually, the girls were 10 months old when I got pregnant with Jax, so I can relate to you on this. I think my first pregnancy, I really didn't know what to expect, or know all of the things that could go wrong. I had a great pregnancy with the girls, but I was just more aware of the "what ifs". Having that first sonogram and seeing that little heart flutter was such a relief. I'm sure you can't wait for that.

    I know this wasn't much help, but just wanted you to know I had some of the same fears. CONGRATS!

    This has been me this entire pregnancy! I realize how fortunate I am to have two healthy babies and realize what could have happened, I tend to worry much more with this one...even now and I'm 34 weeks.

    But keep in mind, this pregnancy has blown by for me...I think having small children to take care of makes it pass so much faster so try to enjoy it. I can't believe I'm almost done and it feels like I found out yesterday that I was pregnant!
  6. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! I worried when I didn't feel pregnant. I never had morning sickness or any symptoms really. So, I kept a few pregnancy tests around for those times!! I hope this pregnancy is trouble free!
  7. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    I did not go through IVF, but I did worry. I still do.. before an u/s, etc. Now I feel movement so that is helpful to calm the nerves.

    You'll feel better in time. Enjoy knowing you are PG!!!!
  8. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    i didn't really have many symptoms, and dh made me worry about it! lol he made me call the doctor and tell them i'm not nauseus i'm serious. i called the doc's office and when i got the nurse i said, "um, i'm pregnant and i'm not nauseus. my husband is concerned that something is wrong." she said, "consider yourself lucky!" lol
    for the whole eight months i was pregnant (TMI) i checked my underwear for blood every single time i went to the bathroom. yeah. i worried the whole time (tho i had a pretty great pregnancy), and i'll worry the whole time the next time around, too. so you're not alone!
  9. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Meg, you are going to be great! I totally get it though, it is so nerve wracking! I am so happy for you Meg! This is such great news! :hug:
  10. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    COngratulations!!!! And FWIW, I still worry. Just yesterday I had a doc appt and worried that they wouldn't find a heartbeat. I think it's just second nature to worry!
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