Officially in the 1-4 forum!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by benderboys, Apr 15, 2008.

  1. benderboys

    benderboys Well-Known Member

    We survived the first year!! YAY!! I have to say it went by so fast - where did the time go?

    Anyway, had the 12 month check up today. Everyone is fat and happy...James 23 lbs, Will 22 lbs, both right around 29 inches long.

    Question...still not eating table foods...long story, blah, blah, texture issues, gagging, basically will not put table food in their mouths - everything else goes into their mouth, but not table food. So, we are getting referral to see a speech therapist at the local hospital to see what is going on.

    Has anyone had experience with this? I would like to know what to expect in terms of the first appt. and what they are looking for. Ped thinks that their prematurity has something to do with it (33 weekers).

    Any info/insight would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you!!!
  2. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I have no advice, but I wanted to say welcome to 1-4!
  3. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :wavey: Welcome to the darkside... :umm: I mean 1-4 forum. ;)

    As far as your question goes, my ds didn't eat table foods until he was 17 months old. :eek: :rolleyes: Until 15 months he would not let me even put the food in his mouth, he didn't like the texture and would gag. But at around 15 mo. he'd let me put some food in and by 17 months he was on table foods only. He'll eat just about anything....but of course he is a toddler, so some days are great, others not so much. I was thinking of taking him to a Occupational Therapist for this but just wanted to give him time before I put him through all that...eventhough on the inside I was worried sick! My ped. reassured me that it's okay if he kept on eating baby foods as long as I kept offering real food and didn't force him to eat anything. So that's what I did. Good luck with the evaluation. :)

    Oh and :yahoo: to a great appointment!!!
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Welcome to 1-4!!
  5. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    Welcome to 1-4 and :banana: for surviving the first year!!!!
  6. anicosia

    anicosia Well-Known Member

    First off, congrats on surviving the first year! My girls had feeding issues and did S/T. The therapist is going to give them something to eat, like a cheerio to see what they do with it. They will notice things that wouldn't occur to you. After the eval they will give you ideas on how to help your kids with eating and may set up a therapy schedule.
  7. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    Welcome - I've been waiting for you on the other side!

    no advice about the eating, but I will say that my girls who just turned 13 months are still eating lots of baby food. They will eat table foods - i've found especially that anything with a lot of flavor (garlic, onion, cinnamon, etc.) goes over well.

    But they both had gagging issues as well and still do w/certain foods; I got pretty worried about it and decided that i would just keep offering. As pp said, some days they eat a lot (relatively) and some days it's all bottles. My pedi said that some babies just have a texture preference and as long as they're getting nutrients then not to worry about it.

    I tried them with puffs when they were about 9 mos old and it was no go;now they will devour them. I also give them very soft cooked rice (with some kind of flavorful sauce) and they like that; but honestly, it changes from one day to the next. Three weeks ago i made them homemade mac -n-cheese (a 45 minute bechamel, three cheese sauce process! - which they didn't touch. Two weeks later, we were at the supermarket and they gobbled down the store brand - all yellow cheese and everything!

    So; have them looked at, but don't worry too much.
    And congrats on surviving the first year!
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