# of days in preschool?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by K*D*B, Jan 8, 2008.

  1. K*D*B

    K*D*B Well-Known Member

    OK, before having kids I use to be an Early Childhood Educator and this question was easy to answer as a teacher but now as a parent not so much. I am with my children pretty much 24/7 and know my financial situation and now I am not sure what would be best for us. So my question is how many days did/do you plan on having your kids attend preschool the year before Kindergarten? What did you base your decision on? Do you think it may be too much or too less?

  2. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Since I started the kids pretty early in preschool we will have 3 full years before we start Kindergarten. So, assuming that all things stay the same as they are now we plan on doing Tuesday/ Thursday this year and next year and then three days a week the year before Kindergarten. Basically our feeling is they are going to be going to school a long time, so I think 5 days is a bit much for a preschool/ Pre-K program. Plus like I said above my kids will have gotten an extra year of preschool since they started so early and preschool in my eyes is about learning through play, experiences and socialization-- we are not sending them just for academics at this point and I guess we just don't feel they need to be there everyday. Not sure if this makes sense or not?
  3. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    I will do three days for financial reasons AND for personal reasons. The kids have their whole life to be in school. IMO, there is no need (academically, socially, etc.) for a four year old to be in school five days a week. BUT that is TOTALLY my personal opinion, and I would never try to persuade others to agree. I teach kindergarten and we get all kinds of kids; some who have been in preschool for five days a week, some that have not been in preschool at all. Most times, I cannot tell the difference. I want preschool to be about fun, socializing, creativity, learning to follow rules, etc.; the things they will need to be successful in kindergarten. IMO, three days a week is plenty to get those things. I still want the other two days to mold them while I can! And besides, here in my school district, Kindergarten is only half day. So the transition isn't usually too rough.
  4. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Nicole and I were posting at the same time...I agree with her. To me, preschool should not be totally about academics; everything else they "need" they should get in those three days. Again, just my opinion.
  5. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    My oldest has been in daycare full time up until about 3 weeks ago, and now is only going 2 days a week. (My job was eliminated....) We wanted her to have some of her same school time, partly for her, partly for me. When it gets to the year before K for her, I am looking at maybe taking her 3 days a week, but we'll see what happens when we get to that point (next fall).

    Our decision was based partly on finances, partly on what would help keep us all sane, partly so she would be assured of having some time with kids her own age.
  6. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    My girls are in five days a week. But, this is their first year (they started when they were 4-1/2) and our town offers free pre-K so the financial aspect wasn't an issue. Last year I enrolled them in dance class so they had weekly interaction with other kids and a teacher. They did well with that.
  7. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    K&K attended two years of preschool before Kindergarten, the first year was three days a week 12:30-3:00, the second year was 4 days 12:30-3:00. The gradual transition worked great for us.
  8. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    this year cameron and alisha go 2 mornings a week. next year they'll go 3 mornings a week (i hope - if they get into the class i want them in). the year after, which will technically be pre-k, they'll go 5 mornings a week (they'll be 4 that year). then, for kindergarten it's 5 full days. in my opinion, this is a good transition for MY kids.

    on the other hand, i have a friend who sent her 3 year old for the first time to nursery school this year - she started her daughter at 3 mornings a week, but immediately moved her to 5 mornings because that was what was best for her daughter.
  9. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My oldest DD went to preschool 3 days a week the year before she started K (she was 5 due to an Oct b-day in the 4's class). I didn't see a need for her to go 5 days a week, she was going to all day K the next year and then would be in school for 12 more years. :)
  10. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    My girls are now three and go three days a week 9:15-12. Next year they will go five days a week same hours. The school is starting an all day program next year but I don't think they'll be ready for full days. I think they will be ready for five days, they really love their school. Our kindergarten is a full day kindergarten so the transition to five half days next year seems good for us.
  11. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Marcus went 2 days a week as a 3 year old, 3 days a week as a 4 year old, and for the last 1/2 of his 4 year old year, Marcus was able to go 4 days due to a pilot program.. Jonathan started out at 2 days a week at 3, but mid-year was switched to the Preschool Disabled program, which was 5 days a week. Marcus was fine with less than 5 days a week--other than getting tired of all the extra "mommy time". Jonathan needed the consistancy of being in school 5 days a week. Both thrived with their respective programs--and both are stars in K this year, which is 1/2 day.
  12. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We did 3 afternoons a week the year before kindergarten. It seemed to be plenty, they were more than ready to start kindergarten when the time came.
  13. K*D*B

    K*D*B Well-Known Member

    I am reading all these posts and most say 3+. That is what I would love to do but with 2 more kids right behind this one and doing mommy and me with the twins next year I am not sure about the money. When I was teaching we always liked them to come 3 days, the 2 day kids were just opening up and then they were off for 5 days KWIM. So is 2 days too little? Oh I hate this and I have to figure it out this month. Registration for the mommy and me class starts Feb1.

  14. burgybabies

    burgybabies Well-Known Member

    I guess I'm in the minority because we are not planning on sending our kids to preschool at all. We're still debating whether or not they will be attending private school, just a block away, or I home school. FWIW, I'm a SAHM and wouldn't be sending them to a daycare anyway.
  15. nanhancan

    nanhancan Well-Known Member

    Funny! I am having the same self-debate! My (almost) 4 year old loves school. I have been thinking of sending her 5 days a week next year (4K). Her school only goes from 9-12- so, it wouldn't be an all day thing. I need to scope out the 4 day & 5 day teachers at her school....I think that might help with my decision.
    Good thread!
  16. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    My boys went 3 days a week last year. This year they are in the VPK program that requires a certain amount of hours to be met. They have to go 5 days, but it is only 8:30-11:30. This is also free to all children of age.
  17. burgybabies

    burgybabies Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(burgybabies @ Jan 9 2008, 05:28 PM) [snapback]564546[/snapback]
    I guess I'm in the minority because we are not planning on sending our kids to preschool at all. We're still debating whether or not they will be attending private school, just a block away, or I home school. FWIW, I'm a SAHM and wouldn't be sending them to a daycare anyway.

    tried to edit, but counldn't: I suppose my response doesn't really answer your question. Sorry about that! :umm: Just sharing our situation.
  18. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    The preschool here is Monday-Thursday 8 AM until 2 PM.
  19. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    My girls had two years of preshool. The 3yr old class they went for 2 days and the 4yr old class (which they are in now but because of their birthday are 5) they go for 4 days a week both yrs they were half days. We had to pay for that and I chose half days for this yr because of finances, we couldn't afford to send them full days for both of them this yr. I also figured they will be going to school full days when they start kind. that I wanted them to enjoy some of their free time before being in school all day. Now for my son I will only be sending him to one yr of preschool and not two. We did two for the girls since my son was born and wanted them to still have interaction with other kids.
  20. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    Cari, not exactly sure what you have in mind or where but have you looked into any kind of tuition assistance? I know it might sound a little silly at such a young age but I am not joking when I tell you I got what would have been a $5,000 bill to $500 by submitting my tax info/paystubs. It was a little bit of a pain to get all the info together but soo worth it when I got the paperwork saying how much I would owe after the assistance kicked in. Can't hurt to ask if you haven't already and would like to get more days.

    I personally don't think two days is too little if that is what the entire program does but I would be a little leary if other children were continuing on with 3,4 or even 5 days.
  21. K*D*B

    K*D*B Well-Known Member

    Thanks Dianne. He attends a preschool 2 days a week right now at a community college. He goes 8-12. A lot of the kids are 5 days, all day. The school is required to have a number of low income families. Unfortunately we do not meet the requirements. DH makes good money but now that we have a larger house (of course bought in the higher end of the market) we have a lot more going out. We pay $41 a day (doesn't matter if you are P/T or F/T).

    I just would hate for him to go into the next class and not know anyone because his friends went from T/Th to MWF. He has not been as social because we have been more couped up because of the little guys. As it is most of his friends at school are little girls that he has a crush on.

    Thanks for letting me think this out and for all the input.

  22. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    0. We're homeschooling so preschool really isn't important to us. The girls learn enough at home. If it was a choice between daycare and preschool, I'd definitely put them in preschool. Since it was a choice between home and preschool, we went with home. :)

    Still, they are in a Tuesday morning class at church called Tuesday school. They have 6 mini classes during the 2.5 hours they are there and cover numbers, letters, games, art, snack, Bible, etc. It was free and the girls love it.
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