
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by dizzyhay+2, Feb 4, 2008.

  1. dizzyhay+2

    dizzyhay+2 Well-Known Member

    Is it possible for a 2 year old to have OCD???? Destiny is constantly cleaning everything. We go out to eat she has to have a wet wipe to wipe down the table and everything around her, well a gazillion times before she will eat. If she drops one lil bit on the table she has to stop to clean it up before she will finish eating. Her food cannot touch each other. She just cant get dirty. If she gets anything on her she gets a wipe to clean herself off. It really drives me bonkers...i know if probably shouldnt, but it really does sometimes. Im going through a case of wipes a week or better...plus all my washclothes. Shes just compulsively cleaning. Nothing can get dirty around her. Is it possible she has ocd?? Or is she too young???
  2. Spencerstacy

    Spencerstacy Well-Known Member

    When my son was 2 he was very into being clean. If he got a drop of water on his shirt he would have to change his entire outfit. He grew out of it after a few months. Maybe your daughter is going through a phase.:)
  3. Dani J.

    Dani J. Well-Known Member

    I swear my son is OCD as well and the signs came out around 2. Yes, he does have the need to clean up any spills immediately, but it's more of a "I have to open the door" or "i have to close the door" when leaving the house. He likes to have all his toys just so. And his bed/stuffed animals/blankets ahve to be a certain way. He comes by it honestly :FIFblush:
  4. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think it's a 2yo thing. My niece and Joey are 3 months apart, and I said the same thing to her one day, that I thought Jo was OCD. She sighed in relief because she was feeling the same way about Cassie. :)
  5. dizzyhay+2

    dizzyhay+2 Well-Known Member

    You never hear of this being a two year old stage. Everyone always complains of the "terrible" twos and how horrible it is. But when she started this...its even down to when her twin brother gets dirty etc...and his toys blah blah blah you get my drift. So i started wondering about OCD.

    I was hoping against it, bc i had a couple friends in high school that were ocd and it literally ruled their lives. Id hate to see my kid suffer from it!! But that gives me a sigh of hope! Thanks
  6. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I think it's a totally normal thing...my niece is like that. And one of my daughters is really sensitive to textures. It took her a long time to do anything where her hands needed to get dirty. She still won't finger paint!
  7. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I would say normal at this age....if you are too worried talk to their PEDI, but one of my DDs is the same way. Cleans her hands, upset if they get 'icky', must have things a certain way, stressed out if the tabel gets 'dirty' while she eats. Hopefully it is a phase and she will just be 'neat & tidy' person w/o OCD =]
  8. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    the 2's are alot about control. she's trying to control something. she can control this. she has power over something and it feels good.

    my girls like to have their hands wiped alot. i taught them to do it themselves so I just hand them a wipe or a cloth and they wipe their own hands. This saves my sanity some.

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