Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by PurpleNurple, Feb 8, 2010.

  1. PurpleNurple

    PurpleNurple Well-Known Member

    Hello, sorry I haven't been around much - I have been pretty busy with lots of things on the go.

    I am 28 weeks pregnant with baby #3....a boy! I am due at the end of April.

    Since before Christmas I had noticed my neck was itchy - mostly noticed it when I got out of the shower. I chalked it up to my make up running down my face in the shower and causing a reaction. But it continued, even when changing make up types and washing my face differently. Also, my left forearm was itchy. No rash in either place. It has only continued to get worst, my neck looks all blotchy and now both arms are itchy. I didn't think anything of it but when I mentioned it to my midwife, she thought it might be PUPPPS. Another midwife didn't agree with that assessment as I do not have a rash and my belly is not itchy. Pretty confusing!

    I have read that 70% of women who had PUPPPS had boys....has something to do with an over sensitivity ti hormones. And I am having a boy.
    There is also another condition, obstetric cholestasis that is similar to PUPPPS and can sometimes be diagnosed as PUPPPS. It is a liver dysfunction and has to do with bile not being properly absorbed and it can enter the blood stream and then eventually into the baby's blood stream. Left untreated, it has a high late term miscarriage rate! It shows up in the 2nd or 3rd trimester and in some cases they recommend early induction because the only "cure" is child birth.

    So, after running around over the weekend, trying to find out WHO could issue the blood tests needed, I was finally able to get in to see my family DR. My Midwife can't issue the specific blood work. Thankfully he agreed to let me get the blood test done - for my own peace of mind. Even though HE said he didn't think it was OC because I wasn't "yellow".
    I have heard stories from friends and other women who were misdiagnosed with PUPPPS when really it was OC...and who didn't show all the typical signs.

    I have read that women who had twins are at a higher risk as well...not sure how accurate that is, but I was wondering if anyone knew someone who had OC or who had it themselves.
    I got my blood work done this afternoon and so now I just wait....and try not to itch!
  2. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    hmmmm...I had PUPPPS with the twins (boys). I had a rash on my belly but no where else. I was itchy like crazy from the shoulders down to my toes. I don't think i was ever tested for the other, though. hmmmm...

    Let us know the results!
  3. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    When my friend was pregnant with her twins she had OC. The palms of her hands are what itched her the most.
    They tested her blood levels regularly, put her on meds and she continued through her pregnancy. They were going to take her boys at 36 weeks but her water broke at 34w6d.
    She also was not yellow- and it can be hereditary, her mom had it as well.
  4. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    I had it and was treated with medication still itched though wasn't much fun. I believe have to deliver before 38 weeks more risks after that. I found itchmoms.com to be a useful website. You can PM me or ask on here if you want any further information. Oh and I didn't turn yellow either.
  5. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    I had OC with my twins. It didn't start until I was about 34 weeks or so. The palms of my hands and feet itched HORRIBLY, mainly at night. I hardly got any sleep for two weeks straight. I ended up seeing my OB at 36 1/2 weeks and mentioned the itching. She was concerned and sent me over to OB. I was also showing signs of pre-ecclampsia. I was not yellow, just had the itching. I ended up being induced that night and delivered the next day.
  6. PurpleNurple

    PurpleNurple Well-Known Member

    Well, the blood work came back normal (one number on one of the tests was slightly higher than normal, but they said it wasn't anything to do with my liver). My OTHER midwife looked at me when I went in for my Rh- shot and she said that she didn't think it was PUPPPS or anything to do with my liver...and she thought maybe it was eczema! I have never had anything like this before, I have perfect skin for the most part, never had acne or allergies...nothing. It LOOKS like eczema - so far it is only on my neck and my arms, with my neck being now red and blotchy and it itches like CRAZY!!! It starts just above my jaw line and extends down to my chest, right before my cleavage...lol.

    No itchy hands or feet...no itchy belly...
  7. samiam1229

    samiam1229 Well-Known Member

    OC starts mostly on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. I developed it at about 32 weeks and it was the worst thing ever!!! I makes you uncontrolably itchy, with no rash (feels like something is under your skin) and I was never officially diagnosed. The only test that can determine if you have it is a LIVER BILE ACID test, that will see if you have too much bile build-up and that is what makes you itchy. My blood test that was done 2 days before delivery were normal. My babes were born at 35w3d, so I thankfully only had to suffer for a little over 3 weeks.

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