OBSESSED with the bathroom

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by cjk2002, Jul 24, 2011.

  1. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    My one DS has been PT for about two months (they're 3 1/2). He's 100% trained which is a good thing, but he's becoming more and more obsessed with the bathroom. He actually locked himself in there today and flushed an entire package of toddler wipes. :headbang:

    He'll tell me he "needs" to go to the bathroom at least 5 times per hour. It's crazy because most of the time he does pee.

    I was setting a timer for 45 minutes and he was doing good with it, but lately it does not matter when I tell him he needs to wait for the beep. He'll start to cry and tell me he has to go pee.

    Is this normal behavior for the newly PT'd? If it is, how long does it last?

    With him being 3 1/2 he wants to do everything himself and it's making for a very exhusting day for me. I can't do anything around the house because the moment I turn my back, he's back in there. :gah:

    Starting tomorrow, I am locking the bathroom door and he's going to have to find me in order to go potty.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It's normal. I think it's because it's a new thing that they have mastered and now they want to do it all the time. My son was obsessed with flushing the toilet and washing his hands and would go and sit on the potty, tell me he peed (when he really didn't) just for the opportunity to flush and wash his hands. I then had to tell him that we could not flush until his sister peed and we wash our hands when they are dirty. But the behavior wore off when the novelty wore off for him.
  3. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure this is normal, because Jack does this at bedtime. He'll insist on going repeatedly, and I swear he can squeeze out a few drops of pee every 5 minutes!! :gah: And Nate will stand there flushing over and over and over again until I make him stop. <_<

    Hopefully it will stop soon!
  4. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for letting me know it's normal. He has gotten better at understanding when it's ok to go potty. For a good 1 1/2 months, every single place we went to, he'd need to go potty. If I did not take him, he'd have a MAJOR meltdown at the store and he would want to go back in the car. I had to deal with strangers giving me these dirty looks by not allowing him to go potty. :aggressive:

    I have since started telling him to go potty before we leave the house because we are not going potty at the store. Of course if he says he needs to go poop, I'll take him but the peeing 1,494,000 times during grocery shopping needed to stop.

    So in some ways it's getting better, but after yesterday's event I just needed to see if it was normal.
  5. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Yes, Nate did this same thing when we first ventured out of the house after starting PT!! We'd go to the store, and he'd say "I need to go pee" 4-5 times per trip. Of course I'd run to the bathroom with him and he'd never go. :mad: He did get over it, and now only tells me when he really has to go. I also make both boys at least try to go potty before leaving the house. Most public toilets are very loud, and Jack has bolted like a frightened rabbit under the bathroom stall door! :rolleyes:
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