OB Appointment today (TMI)

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Aurie, Apr 27, 2007.

  1. Aurie

    Aurie Well-Known Member

    The BH have gotten better. I still have them and often, but they haven't been as intense as they were at the start of the weak. However, the leaking has gotten worse. So, I finally called yesterday and went in today.

    I really do not think my OB believed me when I said how much I was leaking. I am now soaking a pad every 1-2 hours. He did the u/s first. Babies look great and there looked to be plenty of fluid around both girls. Though he didn't measure it. My fundal height is 30 cm, 3 more then 2 weeks ago. So it is increasing, a good sign. Then he went to do the tests for the amniotic fluid and noticed just how much I had leaked onto his exam table. He was surprised and I think at that point didn't know what to expect based on the u/s.

    Anyway the paper test and Fern? (you would think I would know the name of them being a nurse, bah OB is not my specialty) both came back negative. He did say that there was quite a bit of clear fluid in my ****** and that I must be just having excessive discharge mixed with urine leakage.

    He also didn't manual check my cervix, just looked at it when he was getting the sample. He said it looked closed.

    At this point, I am not sure what to do. I mean everythign looked okay, but nothing was officially measured. The tests he did do came back normal. So, I am relieved about it, but still worried. Since I am leaking so much already and it isn't amniotic fluid, how will I know if that changes? Same with these awful BHs that just do not want to let up. How will I know if they start doing something more to my cervix?

    Yes, happy nothing is wrong now. But stressed, because now I don't know what to look for :(

    Has anyone else experienced anything like this and it wasn't amniotic fluid but just urine/vaginal discharge?

    Thanks for reading!
  2. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear the fluid is not amniotic and the girls are doing well. Unfortunately, I don't think there is anyway to know when the BH's become real contractions except by having a doc check things out. This is why I think appointments become more frequent as the pregnancy progresses.

    It is my understanding that amniotic fluid will pool when you are laying down which means a gush when you stand up. I know that is probably the least medical example you have ever heard but who knows, that may just be accurate.

    I would just go on the notion that if anything changes and you are concerned to go ahead and call, if everything is fine you will at least have peace of mind!
  3. BDFDGirl (Heather)

    BDFDGirl (Heather) Well-Known Member

    Glad it's not amniotic fluid, but I'm sorry you are left with just more questions. When do you go back again?
  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Are you getting cervical checks by u/s on a regular basis? Have you ever been hooked up to the monitors to monitor the contractions that you are having? Are you seeing a peri as well as an OB? Just curious. :hug99:
  5. TTTSMiracleMom

    TTTSMiracleMom Well-Known Member

    I haven't had the same experience, but I thought I would share what happened when I ruptured. I had a confirmed rupture on twin A at 20 weeks. It was a HUGE gush of fluid (felt like a wave of warm water just poured out) which tested positive both by nitrazine strip and ferning. I was hospitalized for the duration of my pregnancy and there was a ton of fluid gushing out all of the time. I was on complete laying-down bedrest -- not even allowed to sit up to eat. I could get up only to walk to the bathroom (when I had bathroom privileges) and to take a quick shower every 4 days. I was amazed at how much fluid that baby made! I would soak through a pad in just a few minutes sometimes, and never made it more than a couple of hours. After a couple of days, I quit using pads and started using a bath towel which was quite wet when I replaced it every two hours. On ultrasound, my babies had very, very little fluid. The largest vertical pocket we ever had was 3 on twin A and usually 0 for twin B (he was the donor in TTTS). It sounds to me like you most likely have NOT ruptured since it is a large amount of fluid and there is still plenty of fluid around the babies. I know that sounds weird, but if it was a small enough leak for there to still be plenty of amniotic fluid in the sack, it shouldn't be soaking the pad so quickly. Does that make sense? For peace of mind, I would save a pad and ask for the fluid on it to be tested. It is most likely just vaginal discharge or urine, but I would want to know for sure. Best of luck!
  6. Aurie

    Aurie Well-Known Member

    I see the peri on May 9th when he will check the cervix again and the amount of fluid. I had my BH monitered just once. I had four that registered on the moniter in 2 hours. Since then, they haven't really taken me seriously or that is how it feels anyway. Which really ticks me off <_<

    I am really not happy with my OB. But in all honesty, I doubt there is anything better in the area. I have not had any good experiences since I moved here. At least with him, he wasn't trained in this state. Sorry if that offends anyone, but it is just how I see it.

    Thanks TTTSMom! It is for all of what you posted that I didn't really think it was amniotic fluid and why I waited all week before going in to be checked. I mean, I would think as small as the babies are, if there was a rupture it would be ALOT of fluid. Unlike when my water broke with my DS at 39w6d, it was a small gush and then a leak because his giant melon head was blocking the cervix opening. But as things have gotten worse and I have read a few (rare) cases of people with small tears and leaks, I just wanted to be safe.

    Dianne I had heard the same thing as well. Some times a small amount leaks when I change positions. Most times, I am not even feeling it. ~shrugs~ Who knows!

    I am just going to take it more easy then what I have been, up my water intake AGAIN, and moniter myself. If things get worse or change, I will just keep calling and going back in. I want these babies to bake as long as possible.

    Thanks everyone!
  7. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    That is really why I was asking the questions, I feel from your posts, that you feel like you are not being taken seriously, and I don't think that is a good thing!

    If you are worried at all, go in and be monitored, and go to labor and delivery if you feel like they won't listen to you at the ob. I wish you could find a new doc. :hug99:

    It sounds like you are doing everything right on your end, by being overly cautious, way to go momma! Keep us updated. :hug99:
  8. geaemama

    geaemama Well-Known Member

    I always had a massive amount of discharge during my pregnancies. It is gross, but it was just something my body did. It wasn't urine, but I had to wear pads because it was like I was constantly peeing my pants.
  9. Aurie

    Aurie Well-Known Member

    Thank you very much for you post! That really does give me a sigh of relief!
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