Oatmeal Help

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by AKilburn, Oct 25, 2012.

  1. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    The twins pedi wants them having oatmeal in their bottles to help with reflux. Its worked wonders for the reflux however its causing Jackson to have gas. Im currently using the Gerber oatmeal, I was wondering for those who have had to do this, is there another type that is easier on the tummy?

  2. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Putting oatmeal in babies bottles is really controversial because their digestive systems frequently aren't ready to digest that much bulk. So yeah... gas is a result. So is decreased ability to absorb minerals and vitamins. And there are even some studies that show that it can change the lining of the stomach and intestines making them more irritable in both the short and long run. Your pedi has suggested oatmeal in order to thicken the bottle so it won't be as apt to come back up, right? If that's the case, there are a few other substances you could try. Rice cereal might not give your son as much gas (just depends on the kid). Or there's a clear thickener, I think it's called Simply Thick. They all do about the same thing... with the same potential side effects.

    If your son is spitting up a lot, but still growing, you could feed him less at each meal, but more frequently. That will probably reduce -- but not eliminate -- the spit up. Then it's just a problem of laundry, not a medical issue.

    You could also try a chiropractor for your son. They can work wonders on reflux babies by doing very gentle adjustments. I didn't know about using a chiropractor until my daughter who has severe reflux was four - but within weeks the reflux was under control.
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  3. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was going to suggest rice as well. That's what we used for my two. . .

    Also, have you tried the A/R forumulas?
  4. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    I know what's been said about adding any cereal but I trust my pedi to make the right decision for my children.

    They both had severe reflux which they're on zantac for, so its more than just spitting up. Every baby spits up and I don't mind the laundry aspect at all, but when they're having the other problems that come with the reflux then I trust what my pedi has recommended.

    I'll try the rice and see if that makes a difference.

    Bex ... We haven't tried the A.R. , they're on Nutramigen bc of the lactose issue ( had been on soy but oh lord that constipated them like crazy so my pedi switched us to nutramigen) .
  5. daisies

    daisies Well-Known Member

    This is off the subject but I thought i would mention it because i wish someone had told me!!
    Zantac is very dependent on weight. So every time they grow even a little you need to increase the dose. I do not know why many peds don't bother to mention that!!.. surprise, surprise they are going to get bigger!
    Anyway, we switched to Prilosec because he was growing so fast i was forever giving too small a dose and it would take me two days of miserable before I realized what it was.
    Hope your ped is better than mine about supplying information!

    If you switch to rice watch for constipation.
    If adding oatmeal or rice works i say go for it.. no baby should be in pain!
  6. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    Rice cereal can also be constipating - have you talked to an infant gastroenterologist at all about your alternatives? I'd really recommend it, this is their speciality. I've also heard some excellent reports on using a chiropractor for reflux. I know what you mean about trusting your pedi, but in my experience, paediatricians don't always have the broad knowledge of alternatives which are on offer nor are they always 'open' to them and I have met plenty with my girls' issues. An infant dietician will also be able to provide some advice and if you saw a a GI, the dietician will probably attached to their service.
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  7. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh yeah, be aware that zantac is not the greatest relief, it has the least amount of side effects, which is why doctors start babies on it, but nearly everyone I know had to switch to Prevacid or something else eventually.
  8. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    Yup, we did compounded Prevacid with great success. If we ever had to use the solutab or Zantac while waiting for a refill, we saw such a difference.
  9. ward

    ward Well-Known Member

    we used rice ceral with our girls which seemed to help. Hope things start looking up!!! =)
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