NYC twin mom to be-needs stroller advice

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by [email protected], Jun 5, 2011.


    I am new to forums and to being a mom to be. This is my first pregnancy (thru IVF)and its twins. I am so excited yet nervous. I live in NYC and am trying to find a stroller. The problem is trying to figure out which kind is best tandem, snap n go, stream line. The tandem's usually can't fit the car seats but are lighter then the stream lines ones that do fit the car seats. Then there is the snap n go that will fit the car seats but are only good for about a year. The hardest part is that I live in NYC and take public transportation.

    So I am in need of some advice.

    Thank you, all responses are welcome.
  1. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My friend who lives in Brooklyn has a City2 stroller for her twins. From what I understand they do not have a car and take public transportation extensively.

    My question is: Are you going to use car seats/infant carriers regularly? If so, I would buy a used snap and go for when they're in the carriers and a quality side by side for when they are out of their carriers. My two outgrew their tandem quite quickly and it wasn't worth the hassle. If I had wee babies again and was going to buy a new double stroller today, I would spend the extra money and buy a quality side by side stroller and a used snap and go.

    In the first year forum, there is a sub forum(where this thread has been moved to) all about strollers, you can do some research there.
  2. I was thinking that the snap and go is the best option too. I do have a car but will not always have it if my husband needs it for work. So Yes I will be using car seats.

    Now I have to decide which car seats that I want to go with. The snap n go only has certain car seats that will work. I will have to look on the forum to see how things are rated and which are preferred.

    Thanks for the advice it is MUCH appreciated.
  3. great website. Thank you! I think that I will get the snap n go for awhile. I live in the city and I want to see what my needs will be. I would rather waste $100 to figure out what I need, then hundreds of dollars on the wrong stroller.

    Thanks again!
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