NT results - good?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Amycplus, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. Amycplus

    Amycplus Well-Known Member

    Hi all,

    So we had our NT etc today and it seems like all was good. Babies are a good size, well matched and moving like crazy! We even saw fingers and possible thumb sucking - soo cute. Baby A had an NT of 1.1 and baby B was 1.9. As far as I know, these numbers are good and the doc said probably but it's based on a formula including my age ( I just turned 36) etc. and we have to wait for results to be sure. I thought it was just based on measurement but was thrown off by the lack of clarity. In an effort to take TS members' advice to not google, I was hoping to get perspective and reassurance. These numbers are good, right?

    Thanks in advance

    PS there is absolutely no possibility of termination - this is a miracle and i'm grateful for it, just wanting to feel like it's all good.
  2. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Do.NOT.Google. Google is evil when pregnant! And suffering from any other sort of ache and pain! ;)

    Yes. I believe those numbers are good. I was 27, and came back with a 1 in 49 chance of Baby B having Down Syndrome(in all actuality, it was a 2% chance, but 1 in 49 certainly sounds scarier). He had a bigger measurement, I believe over 3. I think things look good for you! :)

    Congrats on the pregnancy!
  3. Amycplus

    Amycplus Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much! That's what I thought. Plus, I hear so many stories of risks being flagged and then both babies are born healthy. I told my hubby I just wish they'd be definitive and he said it's time to get over that - Drs just don't seem to like to be definitive. :)
  4. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    I also think those are good numbers, I believe under 3 is considered normal. I would feel encouraged by your results.
  5. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm not sure of the numbers, but from what I understand the NT scan is only a screening - it isn't a diagnostic test. In the event one, or both babies, screened as "positive", you would need further testing (amniocentesis) to get a diagnosis (and even then, it's not 100%, not to mention that there's a 1 in 200 chance of the amniocentesis itself causing a miscarriage). Many people who's babies screen positive on the NT would go on to be negative after the amnio.

    DH & I declined the first trimester screen for both pregnancies because we knew that even in the event the result was positive for down's or something else, we also wouldn't terminate the pregnancy - so it wasn't worth the uncertainty for us. When the official results do come in, I would just ask your doc for more clarification. What numbers are considered normal? Which aren't? How does age (and other variables) factor into determining those numbers? If you don't understand, or aren't clear, don't be afraid to ask ask ask until you do! :good:
    1 person likes this.
  6. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    I googled for you...under 2.5 is good...and even above that can be normal...but your numbers are well within the normal range.
  7. Amycplus

    Amycplus Well-Known Member

    Thanks for googling for me (I am trying to avoid the siren's song)! Glad to know that all is well. Thanks!
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