Now a bad ear infection..

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sbcowell, Dec 19, 2009.

  1. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    We just got over DS surgery for a hernia repair on Thursday (he also had a small ear infection on Wed afternoon, which we have been treating him with antibiotics everyday except the day of his surgery), and the ear infection is still not better! Ugh - last night he was up every 3-4hrs screaming in pain (which he has NEVER done before, he has always slept through the night), which means that I didn't sleep last night either. I am dreading tonight! I am guessing if he is still screaming tonight (and he is actually very irratible and clingy during the days) that we will need another trip to the dr tomorrow. I had no idea ear infections could be this bad (for him or for me!).
  2. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    Ear infections can be very serious. A friend of mine just had her son in the ER last weekend with SEPSIS from his EAR INFECTION!!

    This is a disease of the blood!! He almost died.

    They are also the MOST painful ailment for a child or person for that matter.

    Make sure you are using motrin around the clock because the pain is EXCRUCIATING esp when laying down flat.

    You will probably need him to switch antibiotics soon. It seems to me that this infection may be resistant to the antibiotics you have him on presently. Talk to your doctor.

    Also, monitor him now for more infections. If he has more than 3 in a very short span, discuss tubes.

    Mine recently had tubes and life has been SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much easier and pain free!

    I'm sorry you're going thru this it is PAINFUL for all. Both of mine started with CHRONIC ear infections at 19 months out of the blue. And make sure if you have an ear infection prone child that you have him/her ckd after EVERY cold because that is when they develop ( 5 days after cold symptoms begin.)

  3. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Poor Evan (and Momma). :( I'm sorry he's in so much pain. :hug: :hug: I hope he starts to feel better soon.
  4. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    Thanks all! We had a MUCH better night last night. DS actually slept all night, and we did give him tylenol before bed - thank goodness it worked! The antiobiotics must now be kicking in- yipee! I have never seen him in so much pain, wow, he was grunting with each breath, we actually thought that he was having breathing difficulty originally. This is our first experience with an ear infection, and hopefully our last!
  5. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    Ugh, ear infections just stink! I'm glad he had a better night (and you too!). I have one that is on her 3rd set of tubes b/c of recurrent ear infections. Right around the time she was 1, she had quite a few that didn't respond to oral antibiotics and she needed antibiotic shots and then we had to stay at the pedi's for 20-30 mins. to make sure she didn't have a reaction to the shot. They can be very painful. I had one recently in my one ear that has a huge hole in my eardrum and it hurt like a son of gun. The hole in my eardrum is from so many ear infections as a kid that it ruptured my ear drum and it never healed. I actually have a moderate hearing loss in that ear. I'm glad that it seems the antibiotics are kicking in and you're little guy is feeling better.
  6. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    You need to give ibuprofen, not Tylenol. Tylenol does not have any anti inflammatory properties.

    Soo glad to hear he's doing better!!

    Now be on the lookout cuz they usually just keep coming. After each cold, be diligent :)

  7. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Tylenol is not anti-inflammatory, but it does have a pain-relieving ingredient. It works centrally in the brain to sort of "switch" off the pain. So if it works, I think that's great. So glad that you and him got some rest!!
  8. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    Glad he's feeling better. Though I'd be tempted to bring him in within the next few days anyways just to have things checked. If an infection isn't responding by the third day, something's "off." Whether the antibiotic just isn't strong enough, or the certain bacteria just won't respond at all to that antibiotic, you need to make sure things are adjusted. We had a very similar situation a couple of weeks ago. Took the boys in on a Wed b/c they had a terrible cough/cold- turned out to be RSV, and the RNP said they both had one MINOR ear infection each so they started that day on amoxicillan. Well by Friday night (after almost 3 days of abx), Joel would NOT sleep unless it was w/ me in the recliner. Took him to urgent care on Saturday and he had TWO terrible infections. So we had to put him on a different, stronger antibiotic. They also put lidocane (sp?) in his ears to help with the pain until the new abx could kick in. Definitely something I'll be overly-cautious of from now on!
  9. Brizzy_Twins

    Brizzy_Twins Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry he's in so much pain the poor thing :( I hope he feels better soon. Lots of :hug:'s coming your way.
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