Nothing is working.... still getting into everything

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Fran27, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I'm just at a loss. My kids get into everything, all the time. We take them to their room, without loveys, and they scream and scream and punch the door to get out... Once they're calmed down we take them out and make them clean up (if they don't, back to their room, but they're usually pretty good about it now, say they are sorry and everything).

    10 minutes later, they get into something else.

    I don't know what to do anymore. Going out all the time is not an option, I'm trying to save money, and frankly when they piss me off at 8am I have no desire to take them anywhere, and spend another hour chasing them at the park/store, you name it (they're always whining about everything too...).

    I guess it's partly my fault because I really don't want to spend my days chasing them all over the house, but I check on them all the time, it just seems to take them one minute to grab some barbecue sauce from the counter and finger paint all over the wall, empty the paper towels on the floor, grab the box of sugar cubes and whatnot...
  2. Shohenadel

    Shohenadel Well-Known Member

    I find the same thing here. My 2 older daughters hardly ever got into things...but my 2 and a half year old twin girls get into EVERYTHING! They are so mischievous and destructive. I can't stand it! I try to watch them very closely but every once in a while if I turn my back or go in the other room to do something always happens. Mostly it's the nuisance things you talked about, but today something scary and dangerous happened. I heard my 8 year old screaming for me and so I went running into the other room and she was standing there with a knife (like you would used to peel an apple) in her hand. She said she just took it out of Rachael's mouth!!!!! Pointy side in her mouth!!!!!!!!! I almost died. I was like that's it. I"m not going to be able to take my eyes off of them until they are at least 6 years old. SCARY MOMENT!!

  3. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    I know exactly how you felt! About a month ago I found one of my twin boys sitting on the floor holding my great-grandfather's super sharp straight razor :woah: Previously I had removed all scissors, pens, etc from our antique Singer sewing machine drawers, and then taped the drawers shut. For months the boys didn't mess with it after that but recently B got to picking at the tape and was able to get that drawers open. And apparently I left the most deadly thing in the drawers. Gah! I was a really scary feeling and I got to him just in time before he cut himself.

    Aside from that slip-up we tend to baby proof to the extreme. Some of my family and friends that have toddlers say that they don't baby proof much because their kids don't get into much stuff, and sometimes I feel like they are insinuating that we go overboard. We have door locks practically on every door, as well as toilet locks. Well the other day I peed and then shut the bathroom door but forgot to lock it (and we only engage the toilet lock when we let them in bathroom while we get ready for work or during their baths). And one minute later B was in there scooping out the toilet paper from the toilet. EWWW!! Now I'm back to being fanatical about locking every door and shutting all cabinets (which have locks)!

    Speaking of door locks, I found the coolest lock the other week. It's called the Door Monkey ( and it is SO easy to use and works great! We took it to the beach with us to keep the boys out of the bedroom when we didn't want them in there, and then took it to Grandma's house when visiting there. I wish I would have known about the door monkey locks before I installed like 5 top-of-the-door locks throughout our house which require drilling a hole in the door frame!!
  4. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Ok bookmarking that site for when the kids figure out the knob covers, lol! Thanks!!!!!

    We don't have anything dangerous in reach (except when dh is careless......), at least... but yeah some people just don't get it...
  5. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Wow... those locks look really cool! Thanks for sharing that link. :thanks:
  6. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    I seriously thought about starting a thread and telling everybody all about them :lol: Most of our door knobs are of the "lever type" which is why we installed the top-of-door locks throughout our house. I sure wish I knew about these "door monkeys" before then! When traveling to the in-laws we always took a couple of those plastic door knob covers since they have round door knobs. But at bedtime we would then have to pry off the covers (sometimes needing a butter knife) to move them to the twin's room upstairs. So they were a bit of a hassle. But this door monkey was awesome. It's gets great reviews at Amazon too, which is where I ordered ours from. Prior to that I wasted $15 ordering this no-drill door lock which took a tool to tighten it on the door and didn't even catch on our door mouldings. I have now spent about as much money on door locks as I have sippies :lol: When I have time I think I'll post about the door monkey in the SY forum, to let people know about it before they invest a fortune in other door locks! And btw, I emailed this past weekend to see if they offered a discount for multiple purchases (hey, twin moms expect that, ya know? LOL). I was surprised to get a quick reply at 10:30pm on a Saturday night from somebody claiming to be the company president. Unfortunately they do not offer multiple discounts at this time :( But they do apparently have good customer service. Especially since I mentioned how my FIL broke our door monkey by forcing the door open (he has Alzheimers and didn't know any better) and that person told me to mention that when I purchased another through the door monkey website and they would throw in an extra one to replace the broken one. Yay!
  7. JennyR

    JennyR Well-Known Member

    Thank you soooooo much for posting about the Door Monkeys! We are transitioning the kids to beds (as soon as I actually buy them) and I was stressing about how to keep them in their rooms while still having the door cracked like they want. Perfect solution! I just bought 2 a minute ago. . .
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