Not wanting to be put down for naps... considering using sling during the day...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by janicecris, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. janicecris

    janicecris Active Member

    I need help bad!!! My DS just don't want to be put down for naps! He would sleep when I carry him but refuses to be put down. He does well at night in the crib, but during the day, forget it! What do I do... I do not want to let him keep crying but I need to do some things too! Good thing I have help all the time and DD can be put down for naps! Thank goodness!
    What are your thoughts about slings? It will keep him happy but at the same time I can multi task. I bought the Infantino Sling rider but read negative reviews. Any thoughts?
  2. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    A friend gave me an Infantino sling and my boys didn't like it, nor did I as I worried their head would fall forward and cut of their breathing. I also had ring slings but could never get the hang of those. I finally figured out the Moby wrap and looooved it! If one of my babies was crabby and refusing a nap I always put them in the Moby and usually within minutes they would submit to sleep. However, I tended to only use the Moby while the other baby was sleeping or DH was there to deal with the other baby, as I always found it hard to pick up one baby while wearing a baby on the front (be it in the Moby, Bjorn, Ergo or whatever). But when they are really small at 2 months old that may not have been a problem. I didn't really start using wraps/carriers until our boys were 4-5 months old.
  3. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    Wasn't that Infantino sling recalled or aomething due to baby deaths?
  4. MeredithMM

    MeredithMM Well-Known Member

    A great link about baby wearing safety:!/BabywearingSafety?v=wall&ref=ts
  5. Kateryna

    Kateryna Well-Known Member

    At 2 months mine LIVED inside slings and swings. They slept inside swings night and day for the first 4-5 months.

    Also, I don't think babies at that age really have any structured naps.
  6. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    I think it's fine for babies to sleep in slings for naps at that age. When they are a bit older, you will probably want to get them used to sleeping in their cribs for naps.
  7. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If sleeping in a sling makes life easier for you, then that's what I would do! I never used a sling so I don't know much about them. But if it helps your baby to nap peacefully then I'd definitely try it!
  8. MeredithMM

    MeredithMM Well-Known Member

    I am all about the slings because, as you said, you can keep your baby happy and multi-task. If your babies like the slings then I think wearing them makes SO much sense, especially at that age. Plus, there is research that argues that baby wearing is good for the babies brain development.
    I wore my babies for almost all their naps early on, and now at almost 7 months they have no problem sleeping for naps.

    The recalls over the infantino sling have to do with the bag style of the sling, which can be dangerous for their breathing because it puts them in the c-position where their chin touches their chest.
    I had a bag style sling, and I never had any problems with it. But I have since quit using it just to be safe.

    I really like the Moby Wrap and the ring sling designs. They keep the baby upright and close to your body.
    The website the has product reviews, discussion boards, etc which can help you figure out which sling might be best for your needs.

    Good luck!
  9. ljmcisaac

    ljmcisaac Well-Known Member

    I have a ring sling which works for some things, here are some pros and cons for current use at 10 wks in tummy to tummy position.
    pros: yes, she finds it very comforting (I put her in and then walk on the treadmill for 10 min to put her to sleep before doing other stuff)
    -I do get a knot between my shoulder blades, but it's still easier than carrying her
    -it's great for grocery shopping or anywhere a stroller is awkward
    -it's really helped her neck strength/development

    cons: the tail is hard to manage, it can get in the way
    -extreme bending down (i.e. unloading the dishwasher) doesn't really work
    -when she does sleep and sags to the side, it's hard to support her head because if I put the sling over her skull, it annoys her and she wakes up (yesterday I stuck a rolled up receiving blanket between the sling and her head, which seems to work)
    -as soon as I put her down, she wakes up - so be ready to carry him for 2 hours!

    The site I referenced said " never carry a baby in a sling in a way you wouldn't carry her in your arms " and that works for me.

    Here's a photo.Sidney in the sling
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