Not to jinx us or anything...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by ladybenz, Jun 15, 2008.

  1. ladybenz

    ladybenz Well-Known Member

    The boys went through the four month sleep regression hardcore--they turned absolutely wild at bedtime and naptime and cried if I laid them in their cribs, couldn't self soothe, freaked out if I left the room before they were asleep, etc.

    The past 3-4 days, I've been putting them down awake, and they've been self soothing with very little (if any) crying. they've been sleeping great, only waking once or twice at night, and really loving their sleep. (just like their mama!!!) It's been fantastic!

    I really think we've turned the corner and pulled out of the sleep regression. I just wanted to post this to give some encouragement to all those mamas battling the four month sleep regression right now. You're in a really dark spot, but it WILL get better!!
  2. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    Thanks for this post, it helps me to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. My twins used to take 2hr naps, but lately everything is like 45min long, my dd goes to bed at 6pm, and wakes up every hour up until midnight she talks/squacks and cries just a little bit. And, they both wake up twice/night to eat - that means I get up 4X/night! Argh!
  3. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Wow, that is great news! It only gets better from here! :Clap:
  4. mar66rus2

    mar66rus2 Well-Known Member

    I remember turning that corner....true bliss! It was like, "Wow, twins are really fun and great!". It does only get better!

  5. ca2pa2005

    ca2pa2005 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for sharing. It is nice to hear when such great things happen. I hope it keeps up.
  6. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    :clapping: woohoo!!! Go Joel and Roman!

    3-4mo was awful for me! Actually it didnt get better till 6mo. Sleep is good!!! I hope it continues!!
  7. mrsmoon

    mrsmoon Well-Known Member

    :banana: Yeah for sleep.
  8. jenanne

    jenanne Well-Known Member

    That's great! I had never heard of a 4 month sleep regression, but for the past month or so mine have been waking up every 3 hours to feed, all night long. I hope this is a 4 month thing!!
  9. erinkontos

    erinkontos Well-Known Member

    Thank you sooooo much for your post! I feel like you have described what has been going on here some days and appreciate knowing that I'm not alone.
  10. kdoleva

    kdoleva Well-Known Member

    Us too for our dd! I feel like they are newborns aagin, I was up like a zillion times for her last night! This has been going on for 5 days now.
  11. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ladybenz @ Jun 15 2008, 08:31 AM) [snapback]827539[/snapback]
    The boys went through the four month sleep regression hardcore--they turned absolutely wild at bedtime and naptime and cried if I laid them in their cribs, couldn't self soothe, freaked out if I left the room before they were asleep, etc.

    The past 3-4 days, I've been putting them down awake, and they've been self soothing with very little (if any) crying. they've been sleeping great, only waking once or twice at night, and really loving their sleep. (just like their mama!!!) It's been fantastic!

    I really think we've turned the corner and pulled out of the sleep regression. I just wanted to post this to give some encouragement to all those mamas battling the four month sleep regression right now. You're in a really dark spot, but it WILL get better!!


    I'm glad to hear that others have dealt with this too. We have good days and bad, but yesterday was a nap strike day, and I'm exhausted.
  12. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

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